Author Topic: Alexei anecdotes  (Read 88702 times)

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2007, 08:53:54 AM »
30 March 1916

Mon cher Papa,
Aujourd'hui un monsieur français m'a apportée un  cinématographe. Il m'a montré comment il faut le faire marcher, c'est très amusant. Il y  avait un homme qui fumait sa pipe dans le nez de son voisin et chassait tout le monde du banc. Je t'ecris à la machine parce que cela m'amuse.
Salue tout la monde. Je t'embrasse.

                                                          ton Alexis


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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2007, 09:38:57 AM »
I will translate for those who don't speak French:

My dear Papa,

Today, a French man brought me a cinematograph. He showed me how it works, it's very funny. There was a man who was smoking in his neighbours' noses, and was driving everyone away from the bench. I'm writing to you with the typewriter because I thought it would be fun.

Say hello to everyone. I kiss you.

Your Aleksei.

Nice! So he knew how to use a cinematograph, and had a typewriter... cool!


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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2007, 09:11:25 PM »
Thanks, mr. harrison, for a very good English translation of Alexei's French text! It's one of my very favorite Alexis anecdotes.
I think it's because he was having so much fun. It's also been fun for me to be here at the AP forum!
J'ai passé un moment trés agréable. 

« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 09:14:31 PM by Damie »


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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2008, 02:11:50 PM »
Once during the war when Nicholas was away Alexei asked his mother if he could sleep in Nicholas's place because he wanted to play her husband. lol


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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2008, 02:16:23 PM »
Awww that's so cute!! :)

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2008, 12:02:12 PM »
Once during the war when Nicholas was away Alexei asked his mother if he could sleep in Nicholas's place because he wanted to play her husband. lol
    Attention of Anna 11, concerning reply #14 on this thread of "Alexei anecdotes":   Hello!  Relative to your reply #14:  This is an interesting "anecdote,"  one that I have never run across before.  So that we all may be better informed, would you kindly cite your source (i.e.  as Condecontessa did on April 30,2007 re the telling of another anecdote of  the Heir by Father Georgy Shavelsky as quoted in the book "Nicholas Romanov - Life and Death (p.92)" ).  I realize thoroughly that anecdotes are just that --------- anecdotes ---- and may or may not be accurate/true, but the source should be considered.  Thanks in advance!   AP
« Last Edit: January 13, 2008, 12:20:37 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2008, 12:18:16 PM »
I got it from on the 8th April entry.

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2008, 01:58:38 PM »
Thank you, Anna 11, for your prompt reply!  I appreciate your courtesy and the documentation.    Best wishes,  AP

mister charli£

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2008, 04:49:25 PM »
i came acroos this funney anecdote whilst reading ROMANOV AUTUMN by charlotte zeevat and found that in
august 1916 in when joined in stavka at mogilev by sydney gibbes alexei wrote to his mother asking for poket money " my salary! i beg you!!!!! ....i shall soon sell my clothes,books! and finaly die of hunger ;)
its nice to see he had a scense of humor:)

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2008, 04:55:30 PM »
 tzarevich charlie, glad to see you again! Welcome back!
Yes, it is so interesting anecdote.

Voeikov said that he once put silver to Voeikov's desk,he though it was gift from Heir, but Alexei simply wrote with note :It's not gift!'   Haha! It happened in 1916, most probably in summer.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 04:58:38 PM by nena »
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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2008, 07:52:22 PM »
Once during the war when Nicholas was away Alexei asked his mother if he could sleep in Nicholas's place because he wanted to play her husband. lol

Naww, that is so cute and sweet! Do you know where this one is referenced?

Offline Sarushka

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Re: Two anecdotes about Alexei Nikolaevich
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2009, 11:44:18 PM »
 :)  I am very happy to have acquired a copy of the commemorative book published in time for St. Alexei's 100th Birthday celebrations at Peterhof.  May God bless the person who made it available on eBay!

From it I would be delighted to share two anecdotes, loosely translated:

1.  The Tsarevich was said to have dearly loved bliny - Russian crepes - and his mother the Empress made them often for him herself.   On one occasion when she wasn't feeling her best, she told Alexei Nikolaevich that she planned to make them for him the next morning.   In compassionate distress the boy replied,

   'Mama, you are ill; why make me bliny?  I couldn't possibly eat them.  Please don't,  it's the thought that counts.'

2.  All but young children, the frail elderly, and the sick are supposed to fast on the evening before taking Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church.   One might expect Alexei Nikolaevich to have been given a dispensation from this - at least when he was suffering from his attacks.  But on one occasion as he lay in bed, in considerable pain, he asked to be given only water because he was receiving the Sacrament the next day -- after all, he remarked, he was nearly twelve!

Has anyone ever seen these two saintly anecdotes confirmed by another source? They smack of hagiography to me...
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Re: Two anecdotes about Alexei Nikolaevich
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2010, 01:28:30 PM »
 :)  I am very happy to have acquired a copy of the commemorative book published in time for St. Alexei's 100th Birthday celebrations at Peterhof.  May God bless the person who made it available on eBay!

From it I would be delighted to share two anecdotes, loosely translated:

1.  The Tsarevich was said to have dearly loved bliny - Russian crepes - and his mother the Empress made them often for him herself.   On one occasion when she wasn't feeling her best, she told Alexei Nikolaevich that she planned to make them for him the next morning.   In compassionate distress the boy replied,

   'Mama, you are ill; why make me bliny?  I couldn't possibly eat them.  Please don't,  it's the thought that counts.'

2.  All but young children, the frail elderly, and the sick are supposed to fast on the evening before taking Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church.   One might expect Alexei Nikolaevich to have been given a dispensation from this - at least when he was suffering from his attacks.  But on one occasion as he lay in bed, in considerable pain, he asked to be given only water because he was receiving the Sacrament the next day -- after all, he remarked, he was nearly twelve!

Has anyone ever seen these two saintly anecdotes confirmed by another source? They smack of hagiography to me...

I don't know... I find these perfectly believable for a child.  Children sometimes have a penchant for acting amusingly mature for their age. It's one of the quirks that makes them so wonderful.

Offline Olga Maria

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2010, 01:52:13 AM »
I thank a zillion times ptitchka, Condecontessa, Lisa, Damie, mr.harrison_75, anna11, nena and tzarevitch Charlie for donating the anecdotes here!!! He really was a totally funny boy; the real counterpart of his sister Anastasia. I don’t know what will happen to their home if both of them would “join forces” in making a prank!
In reference to post #23, I could just imagine Alexandra laughing while reading that particular sentence…He lived up to his nickname “Sunbeam”, indeed.
In reference to post #5, that anecdote can be found in Massie’s Nicholas and Alexandra. He drank champagne, not vodka. It happened on 1912, just before his most severe attack of hemophilia. 

Anecdotes from a book “Royal Romances of Today” by Kellog Durland. I don’t know whether these are 100% true:

One night in August when the air was still and warm, Alexis had difficulty in falling asleep. Suddenly he sat up in his little bed and announced that he desired the ship's band to come and play for him. The officer on duty explained that the hour was late and the band had retired, whereupon Alexis grew furious and commanded that the band be aroused and brought to him immediately, which was done. The Tsar on this occasion was inordinately pleased and exclaimed: "That's the way to bring up an Autocrat!"

On another occasion Alexis ordered all the Finnish pilots on the various ships to be brought before him. As the astonished and wondering Finns appeared on the deck of the Standart the baby commander shouted: "Zdorovo rebyata!" (Health children!) The Finns, not understanding Russian, were much bewildered and frightened, and Alexis, became exceedingly annoyed at their not understanding. So the Finns were hurriedly taught to respond: "Zdravie zhelayem vashe Imperatorskoye Vysochestvo"—("We wish you health, your Imperial Highness.") The sailor who acts as orderly to the Tsarevitch on the Standart is called Stefan. He is of huge physique and is in attendance on the autocrat-in-process day and night. Up to the present time, Alexis has shown a greater fondness for this man than for anyone else. He insists upon his "big Stefan" taking part in nearly all of his games and it is quite clear that he considers Stefan as second only to his father in all the vast Empire. Morning and night, little Alexis in his prayers remembers Stefan but even Stefan has not been able to break his young charge of a certain military tendency which shows itself at the end of each of his prayers in a loud "hurrah" instead of an "Amen." Alexis is perfectly logical in this, for he says that the soldiers on parade always cry "Hurrah" when his father appears or when he ceases speaking and, consequently, it is right that his Heavenly Father should be greeted in the same way.

It appears that one day, the Emperor was engaged with a council of Ministers when the little Alexis suddenly burst into the Cabinet room. Surprised at seeing his father surrounded by so large a group of dignitaries, he stopped and looked at them for a moment, then quietly said : "Good morning, brothers." The Emperor proceeded to point out to the Tsarevitch that it was not adequately respectful for so small a boy to address elderly gentlemen as "brothers." Alexis appeared a little embarrassed and with an obvious desire to correct his mistake, he said, "Very well ; good morning, boys."

Amazing colored fotos  by the most wonderful Yelena Aleksandrovna. Endless thank you very much!

Offline Ally Kumari

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Re: Alexei anecdotes
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2010, 01:55:46 AM »
Something about those is not right..... I think the author in this case relied on "unreliable" people. The anecdotes about Grand Duchesses she had from Margaret Eager, but Eager left after Alexei was born so she couldn´t have known anything about such escapades. I honestly don´t believe Nicholas would allow his son such willfullness. He may have been spoilt, but not in such way.