Thank you! I think you are quite right about "murdered", and I do think that the reference to MA is too 'un-Russian'. And true, friends and family would not know what 'anterior' means, even though Olga probably would! Here is my revised version:
We are being moved. To…we don’t know where. It is horrible, just when we have harvested all of the vegetables we grew in the garden, and we have to be ripped up from our home! Even though we were under arrest, it was still home, and we were more or less free. Now we are to leave, and who knows if we’ll ever see dear Alexander Palace again! I feel so wretched. How, how can Nastya be so cheerful, joking about were we might be sent to? Doesn’t she even realize that we might be never come back here, or most likely never be imperials again? I can barley even think of the future. Even Maria, too, is lighthearted. Lord, have mercy on us! While Russia is in turmoil about us, give us some strength!
I don't know if "imperials" is a word, what should I put in it's place?