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A Question about Finland and the Baltic Coast

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With all the wonderful pictures of the family camping and lunching along the Baltic/Finnish Coast while cruising on the Standart, has anyone ever tried to track these voyages and excavate any remnants or artifacts from their visits.

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
See this thread, for a review of a great book that has detailled descriptions and maps of the areas in question, in case you want to go to the Bay of Shtandart (on the western, Finnish coast of Virolahti Bay / Vederlax Fjärd close to the Finnish-Russian border) yourself and do some excavating. The book did not mention any artifacts or other non-official traces of the IF's family's visits being excavated or found so far.

Thanks, that is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I remember reading about Nicholas's efforts to avoid World War I and thinking, like Barbara Tuchman, that he was the only one who was right. World War I was not the Great War, it was the Useless, Unecessary War/Tragedy.
I read the terms the Kaiser offered France, Russia and England after his initial victories, which proved that this was truly his war. He had no interest in peace; he  wanted everything and didn't care about the cost. Then sending Lenin to Russia. A right-wing Monarchist started the Russian Communist Revolution. Amazing.
My attitude towards World War I, is best expressed by the death George Archer-Shee. He was the 14-year-old boy accused of stealing a 15 shilling Royal Postal money order while training as a Cadet at Osborne Naval College on the Isle of Wight.  George was discharged from the college and his future destroyed.
His father asked George if he did it and George said no. George's father appealed the dismissal saying my son doesn't lie and he doesn't steal. His father mortgaged his home and spent his life savings defending his son's honor. At every step, the Archer-Shees were accused of betraying their country, of betraying their King, merely for defending their son.
Finally, George won his appeal, the verdict was overturned by the Admiralty and George was allowed to transfer Sonyhurst College and complete his education.  George ARcher-Shee fell at the First Battle of Ypres age 19 and lies buried in an unmarked grave.
When I think of World War I, I think of George and his Dad. One of the greatest fathers any boy ever had. He had raised an honorable son and stood by him, whatever the cost. That always reminds me of Nicolas. Whatever you think of him as Czar(Tsar), he was one of the world's great fathers. And as for being Czar, by trying to stop World War I he was one of the few who saw reality, no chauvanistic patriotism, not the grandeur of conquest. If the world had listened to Nicholas, then 20,000,000 wouldn't have died un-necessarily in World War I  and a further 10,00,000 Russians wouldn 't have died in the Russian Revolution. I'm glad they built a monument to Nicholas in Shushenskoye, Russia.

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
You're welcome, but what does WW1 have to do with the Shtandart cruises in Finland?

I love history and the best parts to me are the footnotes. I remember reading, in addition to the post that you posted, that people would bump into the Czar on these sortees from the Standart and he would greet them  and ask them how they were doing, in Finnish in Finland------------in Russian while walking the dogs along the Grande Allee at Tsarskoe Selo(they must have allowed the public in occasionally) and along the fence bordering the town of Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin. He was friendly and warm, more like a country gentleman than the richest, most powerful man in the world. To me, it all ties together. You look at the parts, I think that the truth only is revealed when you look at the whole.
He never deserved to be the "most hated man in the world". I was prompted to write this because I was watching a documentary on either A&E, Discovery or History Channel and those were their words. Certainly, after reading the actions of the Kaiser, he would be better cast in that role than Nicholas. There is a difference between being wrong and being evil.
I am so happy that there are people who agree with me in Shushenskoye, Russia.


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