A little on the Removeal of the Guard Equippage:
Its been noted that Dr. King has made comment and other comments are also in place. Consider alternatively:
Nicholas has abdicated and hence is no longer in a command position. That privelige then passes to Michael. Michael passes executive authority (which by definition must include final military authority) to the Duma Committee. In the rule of Nations, the state never dies, although its personnel might, so these two transfers are immediate and 'unbroken'. Hence KV is now taking orders from the duma committee or from any subcommittee it has formed and delegated to or from any military commander it has authorised for that purpose. But the standing orders remain.
Put another way, until the new government (or its appointed delegates) say otherwise, The Guards previous orders (defend the palace) ARE STILL IN PLACE.
But what about swearing loyalty to the new regime?
The military etiquette (accross the world) is for unit commanders to take loyalty oaths from their soldiers. Before this the commanders will swear loyalty either through their own higher commanders or in person. So, KV can easily go to the capital and swear loyalty. As guard commander he would be entitled to travel about to ensure smooth runing of the regiment. Upon finishing he returns to the regiment and gets his subordinates to swear their new loyalties.
If soldiers had to personally take oaths directly to the head of government there would be chaos - is the whole russian army to get the train back to Petrograd every time a monarch 'passes on'? In the middle of a war? Did the troops in Afghanistan suddenly fly back to Washington when Obama was elected? The military etiquette -the command chain principle - is set up just for these eventualities. Orders remain until rescinded by the new authority, etc.
KV might not be a legal traitor, but he has still abandoned his post.