Thank you all so much, your advice and help is greatly appreciated. Bless you all!!

Well he's much better. No more blood in the urine, so we are all quite pleased. Lets hope it stays that way.
I got a little help from an angel or two and its amazing just what the power of prayer and a letter or two can achieve. Quite!!!
Anyway, asked him again about where that picture was taken (I call it the Majic Mushroom picture), anyway he said it was their summer residence, and that he could not recall the name of it. hmmm.
Also he showed me some more pictures. He was discussing his grandfather who built or had built lots of beautiful buildings, in Moscow. Apparently even a monastery(have to find out about that one).
Also, ages ago he mentioned Saint Sophia Haga Cathedral in Russia, and says his great grandfather (I think),
was a financial contributor and paid for renovations/extensions?.
He kept bringing up the name of the Orlovs so maybe he is related or part of that family?.
OH yes and he showed me a picture of where he went to school. I asked him for the name and he told me it was the Palace of Grand Duke Constantin. This was the school where he painted the lions balls out the front of the school red. There was quite a furore about it, as it was in communists times(he would not join the communist party), anyway he ran away from the teachers and got on top of the roof and shimmied down the gutters. The teachers were distraught as they just saw him go over the edge and thought he had died and they were worried about how they would tell his father, that is, until they looked over the edge and saw him on the ground, unharmed.
They were lets say, quite peeved, quite!!!!
Maybe someone here on this forum may recall this story, in their father or grandfather's time.
I must say this traight of "High Jinks"can definitely be traced back to my father, considering all the antics the males in our family get up to. I won't discuss the story of my nephew, who turned off the telephone exchange at a well to do italian hotel some years back.....

or the fascination with lighting fires, and hot discussions about whose turn it is to light the fire (mine of course!)>