Anyone know what exactly "exons" are?
apparently 8 out of the 10 exons tested so far show that its definetly the deletion mutation inherited from female side?
Iv'e really got no idea what this means?

anyway first they said the deletion mutation came from dad , now they say no it comes from my mum, and its from an ancestor in england??They seem to get nervous when I ask about testing my fathers dna?...UK its too much!

Last time I thought about doing this I got sooo stressed I gave myself a fever attack and got horrific pains in my kidneys...I mean I would like to know more as it is important for me and my childrens health!
They are suggesting I get help re my dad from a dna lab? but he would have to want to do that....!
ANYWAY back to my original topic...
Dad says that his father/grandfather was one of the tzars financial advisors...but my research has not shown any of his family's surnames, but then its possible I suppose. This ancestor also oversaw the building of the trans-siberian railway(which I also haven't found any surnames that fit either)...
funny about trains, must be a favourite thing with the males in our family!)Choo Choo and Toot Toot!
When dad got to australia I think it was around the 1940's he got a job in the railways, I think he loves trains!..a :-*nyway he worked for them right up until he retired.