Author Topic: A little help please!  (Read 117769 times)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2005, 06:53:38 AM »
Gosh! Really? Must say I wish they would paint it back to the majic mushroom era!... Russia could sure use a little extra help right now(giggle) ;D. especially all the orphaned children (serious). :(

Well I must say this IS getting rather interesting!
Peterhof ? So then what does this mean?

Were the general public allowed access to this section of the garden? (my birth certificate says he is a carpenter from St Petersburg)...?

Tell it possible in wintertime to skate from Peterhof to Estonia or Finland? . He's told me that he got out of Russia this way, and luckily there was a good wind that day behind him which helped move him along a fair bit.

Thanks again all of you. In 2 days I have learnt more on this forum than the last 10 years! Thank God!!! :)


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2005, 09:00:02 AM »
Yes, Peterhof is actually St. Petrsburg. This mashroom is , probably, located in the Peter the First's castle. In 1980-s I went there as a tourist, and there was many surprise places ( where water starts sprinkling on you suddenly). In reality, a person is sitting somewhere behind bushes and pushes the botton.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2005, 09:01:21 AM »
Yes, St. petersburg is close to those places, where you ancestor ran to.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2005, 09:09:45 AM »
Peterhof is actually St. Petrsburg. This mashroom is , probably, located in the Peter the First's castle. In 1980-s I went there as a tourist, and there was many surprise places ( where water starts sprinkling on you suddenly). In reality, a person is sitting somewhere behind bushes and pushes the botton.

Peterhof is actually one of the suburbs of St Petersburg, a separate town, I think it is something like 10 miles outside of St Petersburg. I believe that back then, the general public was allowed in its gardens just like they are nowadays. As fas as the trick fountains go, I believe that it wasn't a person who was pushing a button, but that it is set up in a way that when you step on some area, the water squirts...

Missmoldavite, maybe you mean your father cross-country skied to Finland? I don't really see how he could have skated there... Plus I believe there is a body of water in between - The Gulf of Finland, but that could have been frozen over.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2005, 10:35:17 AM »
I am telling the truth, I actually spoke to a man, who was sitting behind the bushes and pushing the stick, after we noticed him. He'd sprinkle water on anyone he wanted, no matter in which way they tried to step on stones. It was in 1980-s.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2005, 10:41:16 AM »
I am telling the truth, I actually spoke to a man, who was sitting behind the bushes and pushing the stick, after we noticed him. He'd sprinkle water on anyone he wanted, no matter in which way they tried to step on stones. It was in 1980-s.

That's actually pretty funny! When I was on a tour there, the guide told us they were pressure/ motion activated. Maybe they wanted to seem high tech  ;D!


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2005, 01:15:14 PM »
You can call it pressure-motion activated! :) As soon as someone applies pressure to a stone, the man's hand goes in motion.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2005, 01:23:26 AM »
Sorry its been a while and I did not get any notifications!
Yes he skated over on the ICE, thats what he said. :P


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2005, 05:20:19 AM »
Anyone know what exactly "exons" are?

apparently 8 out of the 10 exons tested so far show that its definetly the deletion mutation inherited from female side?
Iv'e really got no idea what this means? ??? anyway first they said the deletion mutation came from dad , now they say no it comes from my mum, and its from an ancestor in england??They seem to get nervous when I ask about testing my fathers dna?...UK its too much! :-X
Last time I thought about doing this I got sooo stressed I gave myself a fever attack and got horrific pains in my kidneys...I mean I would like to know more as it is important for me and my childrens health!
They are suggesting I get help re my dad from a dna lab? but he would have to want to do that....!

ANYWAY back to my original topic...
Dad says that his father/grandfather was one of the tzars financial advisors...but my research has not shown any of his family's surnames, but then its possible I suppose. This ancestor also oversaw the building of the trans-siberian railway(which I also haven't found any surnames that fit either)...
funny about trains, must be a favourite thing with the males in our family!)Choo Choo and Toot Toot!
When dad got to australia I think it was around the 1940's he got a job in the railways, I think he loves trains!..a :-*nyway he worked for them right up until he retired.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2005, 10:26:11 PM »
Exon is a segment of DNA that is transcribed to RNA and specifies the sequence of a portion of a protein.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2005, 11:49:04 PM »
It should be noted that present day Finland and Estonia of today are farther from Saint Petersburg than than they were before World War II.

The Tartu Peace Treaty of 1920 between Estonia and Russia established Estonia with a territory of 47 561 sq. km. In 1945 Russia attached the eastern border regions (territories east to Narva River and most of the Petseri/Pechory county on the south-eastern border) to its administration, in total 2334 sq. km or five per cent of Estonia's pre-war territory. Although Estonia's constitution foresees that 'the Estonian land border is established by the Tartu Peace Treaty of 1920 and other international treaties' in 1994 Estonia gave up all demands to the above mentioned regions.

Still, so far there exists no border agreement between Estonia and Russia, although physically the border line is established and border controls operate. The border locations on the map were agreed in 1999. Because of the Russia's refusal, the signing and ratification of a border agreement as an international treaty has not taken place.

I have been caught in the ice on a ship between Tallinn and Helsinki during the Winter and have had to be rescued by a Finnish Navy Icebreaker. Altough it looked as if some one could cross country ski or ice skate to Finland, I did see thin patches here and there. This would have been dangerous but could have been done. If one left from the north of Saint Petersburg, escape to Finland would have been easier than leaving from the southern side of the Gulf of Finland. Finland came very close to the city prior to the Winter War.



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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2005, 02:08:23 PM »
My own questions about my Grandmother are even more distant. Who ever she may have been were forced into oblivian too many many shock treatments to forget.


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2009, 08:48:26 PM »
Hey I'm back. I was miss moldavite quite a WHILE BACK..... :)

Now I am Tutsi...tut~si....

Anywayyyy...heaps has happened.

I went to the UK quite a few years ago and had a meeting with Professor Hawkins of Royal Free London Hospital, in the Hemophelia section.(and its NOT hemophelia so put your swords away) LOL....Honestly, I'm in The Space of Love.........and its a lovely place to be..!

So this rare DNA we have was discussed and I was at that time in contact with a Mr David Smith, who also has this rare dna. He worked for a german company, can't recall the name right now.....but remember that he was really into russia and had visited quite a few times.....We lost touch as I was gong through a marriage ending, changed my email address..... and it was awful for a while...and a period of tremendous personal growth...(Thanks so MUCH Tony Robbins)!..
so hmm maybe just maybe he's a visitor on this site never know!

My point is:

Does anyone else here have DELM694 and want to correspond?


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2009, 08:58:34 PM »
Ok more family history...
Dad was talking recently about Napoleon. He relayed some family info that his father told him about our family.
He said that in Napoleons last battle, the one at was between 2 hills. There was an estate house which was the summer house for our family. The battle was imminent, so my male descendant had a choice to either save the village or save their estate house. He chose to burn the estate house and go help the village/people.

He also said that one his decsendants(a male), way back in time...won the town of usov in a card game. From what I myself can ascertain there is a town called Usov which used to be part of russia but now is not. I am not sure if this is the town he is referring to or perhaps therre is another town in russia called Usov.

I would LOVE to know which town was the one WON in c ard game! ;D


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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2010, 05:41:09 AM »
Wow so much has happened since I last posted here...apparently this rare DNA we have has been absolutely confirmed after 9 years of exhaustive tests, and it appears that we are related to the only other family in the world who also have it and they are an English Family. So we are officially related. And the last discussion was that there was some talk of doing more testing to ascertain how far back we are related.

Anyone up for a Twistie? LOL. God maybe its something like Henry the 8th.....You see, I have this thing about good looking calf muscles!

Or maybe Victoria and Albert....(loved the movie btw...she reminded me of Catherine of Aragon....beautiful hair and eyes...
