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Offline missmoldavite365

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2014, 09:34:59 PM »
Usov family translated into English:

I don't know what to think! WOW this is great! Thank you! One thing that DOES add up is that Dad said one of his relatives helped to build the Railway in Russia and that he was an engineer...I note that there is mentioned in the link you have given me re the Usov family a certain:

 Peter S. Usov (1832 - 1897) - Engineer of Railways , the brother of the previous. The last 27 years of his life was an inspector of water pipes and lighting at the St. Petersburg local authority. At the beginning of 1860. Usov published "The course of the building art", at one time was of great importance, as the only major guide on Russian language . The course still has not lost value. Furthermore, Usov published many translations and compilations of works on different branches of engineering. Of these, the most important: "Steam mechanics" Weisbach (in collaboration with others), "Reference book for engineers and architects" (St. Petersburg, 1884); "Asphalt work" (St. Petersburg, 1886), etc. [4]

He also mentioned that one of his relatives was  a financial advisor to the Tsar of Russia, but typically he hasn't told us which Tsar! can you help us there?

I know my brother Peter especially will be pleased with what I have been able to find out so far! :)


« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 09:59:04 PM by missmoldavite365 »
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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2014, 09:40:36 PM »
PS Does this mean we are able to have citizenship in Russia - I wonder if we are able to have dual for Australia and Russia! Oh I'm so happy- fridays is truly the day of love!
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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2014, 10:21:27 PM »
Just had another good look at the Usov Coat of Arms and I got goosebumps!.....because....interestingly...I recall a dream I had some 10 years ago when I started my family research and started meditating...I dreamt the Lady of the Lake's hand came up out of the water as I was galloping my white horse over it and I took the sword and threw it high up as high as I could and I watched it up fly into the air pointing upwards where upon it became two doves of peace, on each side of the sword.... interestingly the Usov coat of arms you have shown me is of an arrow pointing upwards with a wing on each side!

Hmm wonder why Dad did those wooden coat of arms/crests and what they mean???

« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 10:27:09 PM by missmoldavite365 »
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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #63 on: April 11, 2014, 04:39:53 AM »
The book that Father was that was given to him is from the Estate where he was born. It is correctly catalogued and identifiable from that Estate. ;D

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #64 on: April 11, 2014, 08:37:40 AM »
Doesn't dads writing specifically say: "Estate of Ivanovskoe of Yaroslavskaya Province" ??? hmm.
Yes, so it can't be Ivanovskoye in Podolsk, which in Imperial times was in Moskovskaya Province.

No that family crest doesn't look anything like what my father showed me or made for me...when I was a round 10 years of age, he made me 2 wooden shields to put on the wall, and placed on each shield : one is of a brown russian bear on a pale blue background with a long cutting implement over its left shoulder and the blade is curved amd white
No doubt the arms of Yaroslavskaya Province / Guberniya:

Note that there are several versions with slightly different colours and details. Today the oblast uses a version with a brown bear and a golden field.

the other shield is of a golden eagle in descent mode on a white background then a blue line and underneath that a red background with two of the same style of cutting implenets as the bear, but they are crossed over, and the curved blades are golden in colour.
Sounds vaguely like the arms of Orenburgskaya Province, but could also be something else:

??? I can take a photo of them and post if that would help - ?

Thank you so much! :)
You are welcome :-)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 09:03:54 AM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2014, 08:57:07 AM »
I don't know what to think! WOW this is great! Thank you! One thing that DOES add up is that Dad said one of his relatives helped to build the Railway in Russia and that he was an engineer...I note that there is mentioned in the link you have given me re the Usov family a certain:

 Peter S. Usov (1832 - 1897) - Engineer of Railways , the brother of the previous.....

He also mentioned that one of his relatives was  a financial advisor to the Tsar of Russia, but typically he hasn't told us which Tsar! can you help us there?
No. And do note that chinovniki / officials in the Russian Empire often had service ranks (see the Table of Ranks) that sound like they were close to the Emperor (e.g. tainiy sovetnik, privy / secret / private councillor to His Imperial Majesty or nadvorniy sovetnik, court councillor to HIM), when in reality it usually were middling manager-level bureaucrats out in the provinces.
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #66 on: April 11, 2014, 09:06:15 AM »
PS Does this mean we are able to have citizenship in Russia - I wonder if we are able to have dual for Australia and Russia! Oh I'm so happy- fridays is truly the day of love!

I don't think so. Seems like Russia only allows dual citizenship with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Armenia. Besides, you havent proved that your father was born in Russia. How old is he? He must be close to 100!
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #67 on: April 11, 2014, 09:08:53 AM »
Just had another good look at the Usov Coat of Arms and I got goosebumps!.....because....interestingly...I recall a dream I had some 10 years ago when I started my family research and started meditating...I dreamt the Lady of the Lake's hand came up out of the water as I was galloping my white horse over it and I took the sword and threw it high up as high as I could and I watched it up fly into the air pointing upwards where upon it became two doves of peace, on each side of the sword.... interestingly the Usov coat of arms you have shown me is of an arrow pointing upwards with a wing on each side!

Hmm wonder why Dad did those wooden coat of arms/crests and what they mean???

Stick with the facts instead of dreams. A sword is not an arrow.
If your father didn't make and display the Usov arms I pointed you too, I'd say that's evidence that your family is not that noble Usov family. Because surely he knew his own arms if he grew up in a Russian noble family.
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #68 on: April 12, 2014, 12:25:12 PM »
From Barry Lewis - Russian translater - translation notes and his comments: (please note the first 4 lines of type are what my Father has written on the back of the photo of his Great Grandfather Estate)


Estate of Ivanovskoe of Yaroslavskaya Province

Where I was born in the room

Top right-hand window

[Translator's note: Russian Wikipedia mentions the village of Ivanovskoe (estates were usually named after villages) in Pereslavsky District, Yaroslavskaya Province. However, there appear to be two places in Yaroslavskaya Province called Ivanovskoe. Google maps shows two Ivanovskoye (note the different spelling) in Yaroslavskaya oblast (Yaroslavskaya Province). Locating places in Russia can be quite difficult, particular small places; they may have become part of a different province, their names may have changed etc. Do you have any other evidence, or the name of the district ["raion" in Russian] which might help?]

Addit: Upon asking my father to clarify, no further information was given. he closed up. Does anyone here know of this Estate and information about it. I feel its important for my family to know and for my children to know their russian roots.

There are not just two Ivanovskoyes in Yaroslavskaya Oblast, but 30-40! See and scroll down to "Ярославская область".
Do you have any evidence that it's one of the two in Pereslavskiy Rayon?
Most of them are classified as деревня, hamlet, a few as село, church village or посёлок, settlement or housing estate.
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #69 on: April 12, 2014, 12:34:49 PM »
Ruined manor house on the estate of Ivanovskoye, belonging to the Rudakov noble family, in Rostovskiy Rayon in Yaroslavskaya Oblast:
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #70 on: April 12, 2014, 12:45:36 PM »
Ruined manor house on the estate of Ivanovskoye, belonging to the Rudakov noble family, in Rostovskiy Rayon in Yaroslavskaya Oblast:


The last part of that blog post says:
В начале XX века принадлежала дворянам Усовым представителям древнего рода, берущих свое начало от выехавшего в 1447 г. из Литвы к великому князю Василию Васильевичу Лаврентия Уса.
At the beginning of the 20th century it belonged to the noble family Usov, representatives of an ancient lineage originating from Lavrentiy Usa, who in 1447 left Lithuania for Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich.
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #71 on: April 12, 2014, 12:52:14 PM »
Sites about the village of Ivanovo-Rudakovo in which the estate of Ivanovskoye was located:
Some places it's claimed it's in Borisoglebskiy Rayon.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 01:02:25 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #72 on: April 12, 2014, 01:25:23 PM »
The two-storey lines of parallell windows certainly fit with your father's photograph!

Arms of the Rudakovs who owned the estate before the Usovs:

In Imperial times it was located in
Новоселко-Пеньковская волость = Novoselsko-Penkovskaya Volost (a type of district)
Ростовский уезд = Rostov(skiy) uyezd (district, like modern rayon)

It is confusing that both names, Ivanovo and Ivanovskoye, are used. Do note that the latter is the adjective (in neuter form) of the former. Ivanovskoye refers to the estate and was thus the pre-Revolutionary name. Ivanovo is the modern name and refers to the village. The suffix Rudakovo is of course derived from the Rudakov family.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 01:51:08 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #73 on: April 13, 2014, 05:31:38 AM »
He also said that one his decsendants(a male), way back in time...won the town of usov in a card game. From what I myself can ascertain there is a town called Usov which used to be part of russia but now is not. I am not sure if this is the town he is referring to or perhaps therre is another town in russia called Usov.

I would LOVE to know which town was the one WON in c ard game! ;D

This must refer to Usovo, which is in the Moscow region, southwest of the city, on the right / southern bank of the Moskva river, opposite side from the famous Illinskoye (estate of Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich.) The Yussupovs' equally famous estate Arkhangelskoye is a little downstream towards the city centre.

Usovo was allegedly given to the legendary Lavrentiy Usa from Lithuania, but was later owned by various prominent nobles and families and was also lost in card games. See
Усово проигрывали в карты
= Usovo was lost at cards...
In more recent times it belonged to the Imperial family, more precisely Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich. Thus it is discussed in connection with the exile of Dmitry Pavlovich after his murder of Rasputin. See here:
Today it belongs to the Russian state and is used by the Russian prime minister.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 05:49:31 AM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: A little help please!
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2014, 10:22:19 PM »
Dad is very old. Born around 1920 apparently. He came here to Australia on a boat-I think it was called "The Friendship" with his wife Anna. (I will double check with my brother Peter). There are australian ship records of this.

Here is a photo of my father taken when in 1978, and the photos of the crests he made us.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 10:31:47 PM by missmoldavite365 »
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