Thank you for being so kind, so relieved, was concerned as to what might happen when I spoke up.
I will do my best to be able to place some photos of the sword. Dad was well known at the Antique Fairs in Sydney for many years for his expertise regarding swords and russian icons. He also had a good friend who owns/ed a shop called "Tsarinas" in Sydney.
I also was informed that for many years the Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strathfield paid my father many visits, probably still does.
From memory dad said that the lady from Sothebys here in Australia came to see him many years ago and photographed his collection for a book about the Romanov collection to go on sale. She later then went to work in London at the Sotheby's office there. I do not know her name, was just informed by my father about it. She actually went to his home to meet with him to discuss. Apparently she was amazed. She may be the best bet at the moment regarding verifying the sword because as it stands today my elder brothers are not yet in alignment with me in being a team...sharing this information. I am in the bad books, for speaking up, about a number of things. Put it that way.
I do admit for making some errors of judgement in the past but hey you learn form your mistakes. Unfortunate situation, I have asked for forgiveness and am putting a prayer out that good will prevail. I think there is probably a good deal of fear around it for them as well which they have got from Dad, due to his circumstances and what happened to him.
Yes, I did pass on via email your links you gave me and explained to please show dad and ask if some items could be photographed. I am not certain that my brother will be able to do this and whether he will in fact pass it on either. It can be difficult at times to be able to speak with Dad privately as his german wife is very very protective of him, understandably, but it does create a problem at times.
Barry Lewis was emailed the other day to ask if he was open to coming for a visit to sit with my Dad and talk with him about his history but my brother was not in agreement. There is a concern on his part that Dad would be interrogated and he doesn't want Dad to feel that way. Neither do I. We have learnt in past situations with Dad that the best way is to be relaxed and cheeful and positive and thats when he opens up.
As it turns out Barry Lewis is just about to go overseas anyway on a large project.
However, time is marching on and the day will come when he is no longer with us and it would be a good thing if, in a comfortable and happy situation where he felt ok to discuss at some length with someone trustworthy, and not be hassled. I'm working on it but if you have any ideas please do share with me. One thing I though of is if someone wrote him a letter asking for his input on that period in history and his thoughts if he might participate.

Larger photo of my Grandfather: