Author Topic: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"  (Read 116967 times)

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2011, 12:13:30 AM »
dearest Griffh,

I don't know about credibility, all I know is that the reason most of us are here for some hours every day is that we share love and interest for some people lost for ever, and I believe each one of us had his/her share of some kind of experience that made him/her get involved in this ... personally I felt the Empress near me at the most crucial moment of my life and  she helped me through ... after that I never felt so close to her again, but I always keep that experience in my mind and my heart.

thank you again for all the fine things you had the kindness to share with as in your thread. I wish you the best with your book and in your life!

Clemence it is after 12am and I should be in bed but I just had to say thank you and I do hear what you are saying.  I agree that we have an affinity with the goodness in others just as others have an affinity with our goodness and these links exist in the past as well as the present and often they do help us when we are going through hard experiences.  Well just again, thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes with my book.  Best Griff


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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2011, 04:48:14 PM »
Hold up, why was it deleted again?

Offline RealAnastasia

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2011, 10:34:50 PM »
Hello Griff:

                      I only add a comment now and then in this thread, but mt interst in Empress Alexandra is great and I would come here to lurk as much as it was possible for me. I will miss "Empress Alexandra Fights back" thread, but I'm sure you must follow what your editors recommends for the sake of the publication of your book.

                      Good luck! I wish I would read your work as soon as I can !

                       RealAnstasia (Vanesa)

Vanesa I am probably going to end up making this a thread of thank yous, but I just have to say that you were, I believe the very first individual to post on my thread.  I was so nervous and scared and that first posting really brought me peace of mind.  Thanks so much...Grif

I didn't know that! I'm happy that my little message brought you peace of mind...Smetimes one does things that could not just imagine!



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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2011, 09:11:07 AM »

Nad/Natasha, I have brought the explanation forward, but all you have to do is go back and read the first few pages to know why.

I'm sure there are all kind of good reasons but I was so deeply in love with the thread! whenever I was depressed I knew I'd find something precious and of rare beauty to make my day! couldn't we find some way to save even some part of it? I feel like loosing an old friend here (((

When Griff asked me to delete the thread, I felt exactly as you do.  I kept wondering if there wasn't some way to keep any part of it.  However, because anything that is posted to this Forum is copyrighted to the Forum, Griff would be violating copyright laws in publishing his own research if it remained on the forum.

Bob and Rob have graciously consented to allow the removal of the information so that Griff will not be in violation of any intellectual property laws.

Also, as Griff pointed out, he himself has quoted from other authors and may be in violation of the copyright laws that protect these other authors.

I know that all of us have reproduced information from other sources when posting here.  It is one of the things that we always stress - sources, sources, sources!  But the copyright laws only allow for a certain amount of quoting before any of us would be in violation.

So, with sadness, we know that there is truly no way to keep any of what has been so lovingly researched, fought over and posted here.

I hope this explanation helps.



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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2011, 09:12:50 AM »
This following is the message that grifh sent to me and asked me to post for him.

I find it hard to do as griffh asks of me but if it is important to his continued work on this subject and important to his publisher that this material be removed, then it will be done.

As you all know, this thread has been an amazing work that has been continuing for more than 5 years.

So that everyone will have the opportunity to read griffh's message and to understand why this is being done, I will plan to delete the threads on Wednesday, February 2, 2011.

Thank you for your understanding.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has contributed to my thread on the Empress.  It has been so enjoyable and such a wonderful learning experience for me.  I am currently about to publish my first work on the Empress and need to remove my research.  I also had not appreciated the fact that I had liberally quoted several Russian historians extensively and thereby infringed on their copyright.  For these reasons I have asked Alixz to please remove the thread.  I will continue to contribute to AP forum and of course anyone who wishes to can PM me as well.  Again I want to thank Alixz for all her help and support and thank Bob and Rob for the opportunity they have provided the means of sharing our various perspectives on every aspect of Russian history as well as the history of many of Europe's Royal houses as well.  Again thanks to everyone for their contributions over the years.  

Best Griffith Henninger

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2011, 07:57:18 PM »
Well, since I am here, I know for that thread, which was really amazing and frequently supplemented by Griffh, I truly was amazed by the amount of new information and all the knowledge that surely deserves any respect! Well done, Griffh and I hope, better to say know that your book will succeed. I thought -- You really must love so much that subject to spent time , will and energy on doing such marvelous job.

Warm regards and all the best,
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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2011, 10:16:48 PM »
I'm not Alix's biggest fan...but one has to say she has a great ability to draw to her the unfailing devotion of some very fine people...I say she "  has " this ability  because by any measure,  one must add griffh's name to this roll call.  AF hasn't lost a step in this regard . =) Good luck in all your projects !   

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2011, 06:47:42 AM »
I'm quite amazed.... In my absence from Christmas, up to some weeks ago, I had no chance to be here obviously and when I got back... I simply wondered where the thread went. It became such a part of my life, throughout the years I've spend on here, and though I did not frequently post lately, I will so miss that thread. One finds it strange that such things can come so close to your soul, but such things happen too with all those figures from the past - we get close to them, get the feeling we know them, by reading so much about them -, they get simply close to us. So, it is, too with reading on here.... In reading and doing research I feel as if the AP-forum in general has become a sort of substitute family, and with losing this thread, the family has lost one of its branches. Sure will miss hanging out there.

Oh, and "Griffh", do get that book published.... I'm always looking foreward for some good Romanov-material... Especially on the Empress, as there are so few biographies that really focus on her(I believe there are about 4 or 5?), so I am sure that your book might be well worth the wait, and that it might give is a better/different understanding of the Empress and her life.

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2011, 11:03:53 AM »
Well, since I am here, I know for that thread, which was really amazing and frequently supplemented by Griffh, I truly was amazed by the amount of new information and all the knowledge that surely deserves any respect! Well done, Griffh and I hope, better to say know that your book will succeed. I thought -- You really must love so much that subject to spent time , will and energy on doing such marvelous job.

Warm regards and all the best,

Thank you so much Nena for your kind remarks and wishes for my book.  It has been very helpful to be able to completely give all my time to writing, though I do miss all the wonderful interaction of my thread.  Again thanks so much for your gracious thoughts....Griff 

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2011, 11:07:17 AM »
I'm not Alix's biggest fan...but one has to say she has a great ability to draw to her the unfailing devotion of some very fine people...I say she "  has " this ability  because by any measure,  one must add griffh's name to this roll call.  AF hasn't lost a step in this regard . =) Good luck in all your projects !   

Again, like Robert Hall's remarks, thank you blessOTMA for your remarks as it gives me hope that my book will be able to soften in some way the harsh perspective on the young Empress that has dominated most works on Alexandra.  Agian thank you for your participation in the thread and for your encouragement....Griff

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2011, 11:11:58 AM »
I'm quite amazed.... In my absence from Christmas, up to some weeks ago, I had no chance to be here obviously and when I got back... I simply wondered where the thread went. It became such a part of my life, throughout the years I've spend on here, and though I did not frequently post lately, I will so miss that thread. One finds it strange that such things can come so close to your soul, but such things happen too with all those figures from the past - we get close to them, get the feeling we know them, by reading so much about them -, they get simply close to us. So, it is, too with reading on here.... In reading and doing research I feel as if the AP-forum in general has become a sort of substitute family, and with losing this thread, the family has lost one of its branches. Sure will miss hanging out there.

Oh, and "Griffh", do get that book published.... I'm always looking foreward for some good Romanov-material... Especially on the Empress, as there are so few biographies that really focus on her(I believe there are about 4 or 5?), so I am sure that your book might be well worth the wait, and that it might give is a better/different understanding of the Empress and her life.

Oh Gosh, Imperial_Grounds, I am sorry that I had to remove my research and close the thread, as it has become a part of my life as well and I suppose that is why I am wanting to respond to each one of these posts as it is only fitting to say thank you for all the support and kind sentiments expressed by everyone.  Also it feels like such a blessing for the work on my book which is coming along faster than before.  Well thank you again Imperial_Grounds and hopefully I will have my book completed very soon.  Best Griff 

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2011, 02:08:53 PM »
It was quite a shock to see all of those threads missing! I never posted but I read each of them and was amazed at your insight and dedication to the subject. I'm sad to see I won't be reading them here anymore but I am very excited for your book, Griffh.

I came to this forum when I was twelve and now I'm nearly twenty and I can safely say that your work here on the forum contributed to my knowledge and understanding of Alexandra IMMENSELY. Thank you for your time here and I can't wait to have your work in published form.
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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2011, 03:17:46 PM »

Holly, 12 years old must be a magical age as that is when I found my grandfather's copy of Princess Julia Cantacuzène biography, Revolutionary Days,.  I had been put in remedial reading classes in school and was on my way to being taken out of the school’s regular curriculum and placed in “special classes” when I discovered the Princess’ book in my father’s library while I was recuperating from a long bout of sun stroke. 

I wanted to read that book more than anything on earth as I was motivated by a desire to learn more about a relation by marriage on my mother’s side of the family who had moved to Paris and married to a Russian Prince.  While I did not learn anything about this distant titled American personage, I did learn to read!!!   

And as a result, within a short time I was removed from the remedial classes and soon became the head of my class in reading.  To encourage my progress by mother made a contest during the summer for my sister and I to see how many books we could read by the end of our summer vacation.  Each Friday night we went to the library where during those summer vacactions I would check out every biography I could find on the late imperial period, as our library had an enormous selection.  I gained a deep interest in the Empress, even though she was portrayed in most of the books I read in varying degrees of disapprobation.   

Just to say, I am so touched that your started reading this wonderful AP forum when you were twelve years old!!!!   And I am equally touched that my thread on the Empress may have been able to offer a more balanced view of Alexandra Fyodorovna.  Well from one ex-12 year old to another, thanks so much for sharing your kind thoughts and happy, Griff 


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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2011, 08:37:02 PM »
I feel incredibly old - there was no internet when I was 12!  : P

Griff - goes to show what those teachers knew, eh?  (Just kidding, teachers!  : )  )

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Re: Removal of thread "The Empress Alexandra Fights Back"
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2011, 12:41:00 AM »

Holly, 12 years old must be a magical age as that is when I found my grandfather's copy of Princess Julia Cantacuzène biography, Revolutionary Days,.  I had been put in remedial reading classes in school and was on my way to being taken out of the school’s regular curriculum and placed in “special classes” when I discovered the Princess’ book in my father’s library while I was recuperating from a long bout of sun stroke. 
This amazes me because I have  this book by Princess Cantacuzène ( Princess Julia Cantacuzène aka U.S. Grant's grand daughter ) and
her other one My Life Here and There, both wonderful. She makes it all seem remarkably current.

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