Hi Belochka,
This is a translation of the article by elar.ru:
" 08.07.2003 - Nikolay's Personal diaries II are translated in an electronic kind
Began the second stage of the historical project of corporation " Electronic Archive " on translation in an electronic kind of personal diaries of Nikolay II of funds of the State archive of Russian Federation (GARF).
Employees of Corporation should be transferred in a format of the electronic document of 14 diaries - more than 3,6 thousand sheets of the hand-written text and 78 photos of the period 1910 - 1917 g.g . As a result of scanning and the subsequent processing each writing-book will be submitted as a separate PDF-file with electronic bookmarks on years, months and dates.
During the first stage of the project, in 2002, in an electronic kind have been transferred 17 hand-written writing-books - Nikolay's personal diaries II (from May, 18, till July, 18, 1893) All have been processed more than 3,5 thousand sheets of the text and about 200 photos.
For last years Nikolay's personal diaries II are one of the most demanded historical materials of the state archive. Interest to them constantly grows, both at professional uchyonyh-researchers, and at ordinary visitors of reading room GARF.
Organizers of many domestic and foreign exhibitions count honour to present these invaluable historical curiosities as exhibits. The question of safety of paper originals costs on the first place. Translation in an electronic kind will allow to provide safety to historical values, to organize simultaneous access to them of unlimited number of readers without any physical damage for originals, to raise efficiency of scientific work of employees and visitors of Archive.
The next year, due to efforts of experts GARFa and corporation " Electronic Archive ", this historically significant project will be completed. "
And another view of a page from N's diary: