Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, widow of Nicholas I, stayed in Turin Royal Palce in the Spring of the 1857. Turin (Torino) was the capital of the Sardinia's Kingdom, althoug Turin is situated in Piemonte, in the north-western Italy. The Empress went with two sons, the GranDuke Mikhail and Konstantin. The visit had a political intent, it was a way to unite Russia and Piemonte, becouse in 1855 there was a dishonourable war for Russia, the Crimean war.
The King of Sardinia's Army defeated Russian one at the Cernaia river.
Below you can see a waterpaint by Luigi Premazzi showing the Royal Palace façade in the middle, as it was in 1850, in the right the great Palace with columns is Palazzo Madama, Queen dowager's Palace until French Revolution.