Ok, one more: I had an argument with a Transslyvanian friend of mine (Hungarian), whose mother wanna relocate here in her sixties (i guess)...she lived all her life in Rumania, worked there, everything, but now wanna come here. She is very angry at the Hunarian gov., cz her retirement money would be pretty small-but I ask, why does she expect us to pay it, when she did not contribute here, she did not pay tax here, she did not help to cerate the so-called social net. Again, its obvious I have nothing against my fellow Hungarians over there, just basically we are not that well-to-do to support everybody without getting back some money in the form of tax and other things, even if our heart goes for them and we consider them one of us, Hungarians.
So u can see, we inhretied also a lot of problem with Trianon, what we still need to solve. We just gotta work together.