Author Topic: Romania and Transilvania  (Read 29122 times)

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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #75 on: June 09, 2006, 04:07:20 AM »
Nathalie, what a delightful post! :)
It´s good to hear that the Hungarians and Romanians are on good terms again! And it´s very disturbing to hear about the circumstances in Serbia.  :'(


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #76 on: June 09, 2006, 04:44:10 AM »
Thank you :)
I find no benefit in hatred or enmity-though I feel the loss of my country and I will definitely teach my children as well about our glorious past and great Hungarians (whom many of them now shud need a passport to come here), I can easily imagine having a great Rumanian, Serbian, Ukrainian or whatever friend as my confidant and strenght, why not? People and politics are two different things. I love Serbian kitche and music, and it wont change, just because some idiots hate my people and some bigger idiots in the government don't do anything about it.
I think the whole region still needs to adpot some Western-European manners and morals; I can understand us being late, since all of us were severely affected by the wars and the communists, but now it is time to adjust and act like civilizated people, or else we will be still called "Balkan", though geographically we are in the middle :)


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #77 on: June 09, 2006, 05:30:11 AM »
besides being one quarter hungarian, i am also half moldavian. one of my moldavian aunts married a 'ceangau' (that's what we call them here). they are indeed of hungarian origin and they have their own separate tradition, from romanians and from transylvanian hungarians too. i think they make up a different population by now (which doesn't make them any less hungarian, but romanians are different too - transylvanians, moldavians, etc)

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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #78 on: June 13, 2006, 06:30:25 AM »
Everyone needs to get along, be friends and make money.  Every nationality of the world is in Florida USA.  Some are USA citizens and some are not.  We get along, learn from each other and have a stonger country because of it.  Embrace your differences.  You are rebuilding your country and do not have one single person to spare!

"Fashion is so rarely great art that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we should stop going to the mall.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #79 on: June 14, 2006, 05:07:35 AM »
Everyone needs to get along, be friends and make money.  Every nationality of the world is in Florida USA.  Some are USA citizens and some are not.  We get along, learn from each other and have a stonger country because of it.  Embrace your differences.  You are rebuilding your country and do not have one single person to spare!


i don't mind the difference. what i do mind is that there are towns in romania where you are ignored if you speak romanian. i mind the fact that (not all but some) romanians of hungarian origin believe transylvania should be separated from romania and/or become part of hungary. i mind the fact that they expect the state to pay not only for junior highs and highschools but also universities in hungarian. no offense, but this is romania, romanian is the official language and no other language is official. it's your right to learn in another language but don't expect me to pay for it. there's no law against creating a private school in another language. i could go on forever. i respect any person as long as they respect me and in this case it's not about us respecting them but about them respecting us.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #80 on: June 14, 2006, 10:33:55 AM »
Trust me, we mind a lot of things too. My best friend is Transylvanian Hungarian and she has many sad stories about how she was threated. Of course she is fluent Romanian :P
Dunno, ur words are kinda bitter towards us. But everybody has the right not to like the other one, thank God it is Europe and maybe I can say, that war-times are kinda over here, so unless u just don1t really like Hungarians, its not a loss for me for example sitting here in Budapest and switch of my pc and forget that there is somebody way far from me, who thinks we don't give her the proper respect 8-)

Btw, no offense, but this friend of mine married a British guy and they wanna buy land in Transylvania. So as me and my husband after he gets the family business :) U like it or not, but we all feel very attached to it and I hope we can spend more time there cz its really a beautiful place :)


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #81 on: June 15, 2006, 06:31:40 AM »
you might have not understood me: i don't mind ALL hungarians. i grew up with my hungarian grandmother, who had lots of hungarian friends, who had granddaughters who were my friends.

what is the point of living in romania if you won't have the decency to speak romanian? romania is not such a developed country to say that life here is better than anywhere else and so on. i don't disagree with a hungarian family speaking in hungarian between themselves but when i go to a shop IN ROMANIA i expect to be served when i ask for something in romanian. and that is something that does not always happen, IN ROMANIA. i think it's a matter of common sense, no bitterness or anything.

as i mentioned in the previous post, it's a matter of respect. my aunt moved to canada and at 40 she struggled to learn french (she moved in quebec) and you must agree that's not easy. THAT is what you do when you live in a country: you adapt. you learn its language, you speak its language at least officially (at the store, at work, in court, no-one's forcing you to speak any other language but your own in your home), you follow its rules. if i go and move to the states i will not apply for a law that would create public schools in romanian. no matter how many romanians back me up. i bet that would be huge scandal, i mean the average american would have to pay for these schools through their taxes. imagine what it would be like if all the nations that live in the states (pretty many) would have free schools in their languages. if i go to the states and wanna learn in romania, i find a sponsor and fund a PRIVATE school in romanian. now apply all i just said to romania and you might see my point.

i have nothing against your friend, you say she speaks romanian, good for her. she has common sense. i have no general prejudice against hungarians. however i am against people who lack decency and elementary common sense.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #82 on: June 15, 2006, 07:48:17 AM »
There are shallow people everywhere: when during the communism my friend went to Serbia, she went to a 100% Hungarian place, yet she said, she was sooo overlooked, cz in those days, Yugoslavia was way richer and better than Hungary (with Tito's liberal way), so no matter those were Hungarian too, they RFUSED to talk with her in Hungarian cz she was just a "poor brat"...and the same happened in Slovakia with my mother!! :o
So thats why, some people even in Hungary have a bad opnion about Hungarians over the border, they say, they just blood-suckers who want our money.
No need to say, I don't agree with this, just I gave you an example, that idiots are not against u, because u r Romanian, its just that there are idiots everywhere :-?


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #83 on: June 15, 2006, 07:52:12 AM »
Ok, one more: I had an argument with a Transslyvanian friend of mine (Hungarian), whose mother wanna relocate here in her sixties (i guess)...she lived all her life in Rumania, worked there, everything, but now wanna come here. She is very angry at the Hunarian gov., cz her retirement money would be pretty small-but I ask, why does she expect us to pay it, when she did not contribute here, she did not pay tax here, she did not help to cerate the so-called social net. Again, its obvious I have nothing against my fellow Hungarians over there, just basically we are not that well-to-do to support everybody without getting back some money in the form of tax and other things, even if our heart goes for them and we consider them one of us, Hungarians.
So u can see, we inhretied also a lot of problem with Trianon, what we still need to solve. We just gotta work together.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #84 on: June 15, 2006, 09:49:48 AM »
i completely agree with these last few posts. i am aware of the fact that the hungarians who do what i said are complete idiots and that's why they do what they do and not because they are hungarians.

there are also romanians who are complete idiots, and since we are on the topic of hungarian-romanian relationship, i can mention my 100% romanian classmate from highschool who believed all hungarians were in a conspiracy to get romanians, we have to fight them, everything that's going wrong with romania is because of them.

it's a shame that these kind of idiots (hungarians and romanians) are the reason the relationship between romania and hungary is still not as good as it should be.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #85 on: June 15, 2006, 10:51:33 AM »
Gotta agree there!
And now I get back to continue my book from Eliade :)


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #86 on: June 15, 2006, 03:38:49 PM »
which one? the history of religions or one of his fantastic novels?


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #87 on: June 16, 2006, 06:16:41 AM »
History of religions and myths-something like this would be the English translation..Its really interesting.


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Re: Romania and Transilvania
« Reply #88 on: June 16, 2006, 06:31:04 AM »
all history is  :D