I was never keen on history, you know… And for me is really strange that I’ve compared that photos at all =\ my mum told me a story about her grandmother for several times. I listened, but didn’t pay much attention to it. And maybe month or two ago she gave me photos. And I decided to search in Internet for photos of Anastasia not to say ,,yep, mum, that’s really she!,, but ,,you see, mum, she doesn’t look like Anastasia at all,,. Don’t know how would react you after what I’ve seen, but I started to doubt in official version
Want to mention that no one ever said my mother that her grandmother was Anastasia =\ or looked like her… She made this suggestion after watching a program on TV saying that bodies of two members of IF were not found
And I am not saying that my great grandmother was Anastasia. Just want you to understand me.
maybe I’ve came here not only to “pursue myself and my family to spend money on analysis” but to… высказаться (maybe my English is good but the lexicon limps

…to share with people who are interested in IF, maybe that would be right)
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