*snicker* *tee hee* *chortle* Let [me] add the missing bit to the above post..
Dorothy Matlean Lewis
Lenin did not order the executions. And I spent many years doing the research on this. According to all published accounts, the Romanovs were killed 37 different ways and dug up and positively identified 9 times. It was a hoax set up by Nicholas and his mother paid money to keep it going. 7 countries helped Nicholas and his family escape with Japan being the first and the Bristish Royal family were the last. The family did escape and split up.
Finally, many years later, the Romanovs reunited at Roswell, New Mexico, where a UFO took them all away from Earth. They now live on the planet Peladon, along with Elvis, Judge Crater, and Amelia Earhart. Agent Mulder told me all that, but his partner Agent Scully, doesn't believe it. Oops, gotta go, the Men In Black have found me!