There is a lot of information on the origins of the Swastika in this forum. Use the search engine and you will find that it is a shame that the Nazi's perverted it for their own use. It has a lovely past meaning in quite a few religions.
I feel sorry for those who would still use it for the original intent who can now not use it all. It is too bad that we can't separate the symbol from those who prevented its meaning. It is sort of like the stupidity during the first Gulf War when Americans started calling French Fries Freedom Fries because the French would not send troops into combat at that time. (Americans didn't stop eating the fries, though.)
During The Great War even poor Dachshunds and German Shepherds suffered because their names were German in origin.
In WWII Japanese Americans and Italian Americans were put into internment camps (which were just concentration camps as they concentrated people of like background in the same place) because of their national background.
But, as usual, I digress. Time to get off my "soap box" and back to the original topic of this thread.