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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2007, 07:09:23 AM »
In his diary, Alexei refers to him as G. Fimich.  (I.E Grigory Efimovich)

Interesting. Is that how all the children referred to him?

No. Mariya and Olga wrote "Grigorii" in their diaries.


What about "Father/Otyets Grigorii"?


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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2008, 09:42:10 AM »
In his diary, Alexei refers to him as G. Fimich.  (I.E Grigory Efimovich)

Interesting. Is that how all the children referred to him?

No. Mariya and Olga wrote "Grigorii" in their diaries.


What about "Father/Otyets Grigorii"?

On December 19, 1916 Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna wrote in her diary that "Father Grigori was murdered, most likely by Dmitri and thrown from a bridge by Khrestovky." Hope that helps! 

Offline Sarushka

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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2008, 10:05:35 AM »
Yes, thank you. Is that from Royal Sisters of Mercy or your own research at GARF?


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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2008, 10:13:38 AM »
Yes, thank you. Is that from Royal Sisters of Mercy or your own research at GARF?

My own research. I am not sure if that entry is in Royal Sisters of Mercy.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 10:17:33 AM by Raegan »

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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2008, 01:06:25 PM »
Yes, thank you. Is that from Royal Sisters of Mercy or your own research at GARF?

My own research. I am not sure if that entry is in Royal Sisters of Mercy.

I did find it in Royal Sisters of Mercy.

Another odd tidbit from RSM -- this is attributed to Anastasia's diary on 17 December:
"All day sat with Mama. Father Grigori disappeared in the night."

Yet at the beginning of the book the editors mention NO diaries belonging to Anastasia. I think you and I have discussed before that GARF contains none of Anastasia's diaries, and in fact none are known to have survived. It's particularly odd, because the text quoted for that date reads just like a diary entry, as opposed to a letter.

Another quote allegedly from Anastasia's diary is given on 12 August 1916.

Curiouser and curiouser...


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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2008, 01:34:30 PM »
Another odd tidbit from RSM -- this is attributed to Anastasia's diary on 17 December:
"All day sat with Mama. Father Grigori disappeared in the night."

Yet at the beginning of the book the editors mention NO diaries belonging to Anastasia. I think you and I have discussed before that GARF contains none of Anastasia's diaries, and in fact none are known to have survived. It's particularly odd, because the text quoted for that date reads just like a diary entry, as opposed to a letter.

Another quote allegedly from Anastasia's diary is given on 12 August 1916.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Yes, we did discuss this before. The beginning of the book is correct -- none of Anastasia's diaries are in GARF. I looked for her diaries in GARF and was told that none exist. All of her diaries are thought to have been destroyed. The only thing I can think happened was that the entries were accidently credited as coming from Anastasia's diaries. What do you think?

Offline Sarushka

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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2008, 04:46:11 PM »
The only thing I can think happened was that the entries were accidently credited as coming from Anastasia's diaries. What do you think?

Unless there are fragments of Anastasia's 1916 diary lurking somewhere, that seems like the most logical explanation.

It's possible that the December entry could belong to Olga. It begins, "My dve k Znameniyu" which is identical to Olga's two preceding entries. Maria tended to lead off by writing about being with Anastasia at the "new and old lazarets." It can't be Tatiana, because she's mentioned in the entry.

I'm not as sure about the August entry. Perhaps Maria, as it mentions being at "our lazaret" and playing with the officers, which is similar to some of her other entries.

If you're up for a bit of detective work, I can type out the transliterations and post them. Neither of the entries are terribly long. There may be names, locations, or other identifying details that you're more familiar with than I am. Although we probably ought to start a new thread, as we're straying off topic...


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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2008, 08:22:52 AM »
Unless there are fragments of Anastasia's 1916 diary lurking somewhere, that seems like the most logical explanation.

There aren't, trust me. Not only did I look, but I asked the staff, and they told me none of Anastasia's diaries were there. Later I asked a fellow researcher, and she also confirmed that all of Anastasia's diaries are thought to have been destroyed.

It's possible that the December entry could belong to Olga.

I think it is from Olga's diaries, because that is basically my translation. You posted Royal Sisters of Mercy had "All day sat with Mama. Father Grigori disappeared in the night" which is similiar to my translation "Sat all day with Mama. Father Grigori is missing since last night."

« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 08:27:34 AM by Raegan »


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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2008, 08:30:43 AM »
The december entry is clearly Olga's. She did the beds, as usual: that was Olga's work at her lazaret, not Anastasia's who only visited the wounded. Then, "played... with Kassianov". Kassianov was a wounded officer of Her Majesty's lazaret. He played violin and Olga had a frendship with him, as we can guess.

About the 12.08 entry. I think (that is only my opinion), that is came not from Anastasia's diary but from an Anastasia's letter to her father. It is her style, she described things we can believe she, and not O or T did.

An other mistake in the book Sisters of mercy:
entry of the 18 october 1916: it is clearly not from an Anastasia's letter but from Olga's diary.

Same thing the 11.12
Not a letter of Anastasia, but Maria's diary entry.

The 13 and 14 june 1916
Diary of Olga, not Tatiana

Diary of Maria, not Tatiana

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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2008, 08:58:33 AM »
Thanks Raegan and matushka for the corrections! I'm penciling them into my copy of RSM for future reference.

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Re: Relationship between Alexis and Rasputin
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2011, 12:43:08 AM »
In his diary, Alexei refers to him as G. Fimich.  (I.E Grigory Efimovich)

I haven't read any diary entries from Aleksei mentioning Rasputin, could someone mind directing me to or posting some of the entries?
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