I have always wondered who's with them in the second! I would think Anna obviously but who's the guy?
RHB, if you mean the guy in Hussar's uniform with white aiguillette (anyway I don't see others), then this is Count Alexander Illarionovich Vorontsov-Dashkov "Sashka" (10.04.1881 - 04.10.1938). You can find a lot of his photos in the Vyrubova albums.
Some info: Russian, close to N-II Guard's Hussar's officer, nobleman (Count and son of one of the biggest Russian landowners and generals, Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov). After graduation from the Page Corps (1901) served in prestigious Guard's of HIM Hussars Regiment (finished service in 1917 with the Colonel rank), in 1905 as a Fligel Adjutant was enlisted in personal Suite of N-II and accompanied IF at all meetings till the start of WWI. One of the closest to IF, big friend to Anna Vyrubova and other court's people. Participated in WWI. After revolution stayed in White Wrangel's Crimea and then (November of 1920) after Wrangel's defeat evacuated to Germany, then moved to France, then again to Germany. Contacted with different emigre White military leaders, including General Wrangel. Accepted new Hitler's regime in Germany and was a prominent member of the National Organization of Russian Scouts. Died in emigre in Berlin just before WWII and buried in Tegel cemetery.