'Mary Queen of Scots the Movie' I am sorry to say was, for me, a disappointment. There is no doubt about the calibre of the cast. The visuals, though beautiful, could have been much more dramatic, the script was mediocre, but it was the staged meeting of Mary and Elizabeth that completely ruined it for me.
I fail to understand a film Director's need to leave some kind of personal mark on such a movie. The two women never met - indeed this fact heightened the fascination the one had for the other.
When the (hi)story is great enough, what right has anyone, three and a half centuries later, to change it for the sake of what - a personal notion or fantasy?
It is sad to think that hundreds, perhaps thousands of people watched that film and because of somebody's whim, believe in an event which never took place.
What makes it worse, is that the meeting never having taken place was critical to the outcome. Would Elizabeth really have managed to delude herself into believing that she was not signing Mary's death warrant, had the two 'beloved cousins' actually met? How different might have been the course of Scottish/English/British history?
Helen, you are not 'being picky'. You, like me, only wanted historical accuracy.