Here’s new topic on Grand Dukes of Saxe-Weimar .
(There’s a thread on the last GD – Wilhelm Ernst: )
This topic is about his predecessors and some of their relatives.
Info and images of GD Karl Friedrich, 2nd Grand Duke in 1828-1853 years, can be found here: is a topic on his wife GDss Maria Pawlowna, nee Russian Grand Duchess. She was much respected by her Russian family, esp. Emperor Nicholas I, and by her German relatives and subjects. A very-well educated woman, she brought up her children in the “Weimar” spirit – a lot of science, poetry and literature.
Children of KF and MP were:
1.Paul Alexander (1805–1806)
2. Marie (1808–1877) married Prince Karl of Prussia

Thread on her descendants: Augusta (1811-90), married Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, aka Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany
Thread on her and her husband: a lot of info on her relations with the family of her son can be found in various threads here in the Hohenzollern subforum.
4. Karl Alexander (1818-1901) Grand Duke since 1853 year.
KA was not too much sophisticated but anyway continued Weimar traditions of protection to talented people - had a friendship with Hans Christian Andersen, helped to Wagner and Liszt.
Many contemporaries found a striking resemblance between him and his unfortunate grandfather Emperor Pavel I.
GD Gavriil Konstantinovitch Romanov in his memoirs mentions funny story about GD KA and Gavriil’s grandmother GDss Alexandra Iosifovna. Grand Duke was known for adding colour to his moustaches and everyone who kissed him got that colour on the face. Once GDss AI was meeting the Grand Duke at the station and when old but dashing KA streamed to kiss Alexandra she swiftly gave her pet-dog instead her cheek and KA had nothing to do than to kiss the dog.

and here with his grandson Wilhelm Ernst in 1896 year,in Moscow, at the coronation of Nicholas II