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Russian Gold Coins * Questions and Answers from an Expert *

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Dear Friends,

I received an email from a gentlemen who inherited some russian coins. The particular coin he has questions about is the 1835 Five Gold Ruble.

Here is the information I can share:

1835 Russian Imperial
5 Rouble Gold coin minted during the reign of
Tsar Nicholas- I (1825-1855). St.Petersburg (SPB).
Year:                            1835
Weight:                        6.54 g
Metal:                           Gold
Grade:                          AU
Mint Master:                  P.D. (Paul Danilov)
Purity:                          .9170 - .1929 oz. AGW
Diameter:                     22 mm. or 7/8 " inch

Estimated Price: $1800.00 (depends on condition)

If you have questions about Russian Imperial Gold Coins, I hope I can help you.

I am collecting Russian Antique for many years.

Ask your questions here.

Regards, imperialrussia.com

Olga Bernice:
How neat! Now, these gentlemen who inherited the coins - were they some type of royalty or something? Sorry if this is off topic, but it is technically concerning the coins . . . I think! :-[

This gentlemen is a very famous russian writer and I can not disclose his name.
You are right, this is his collection and concerns only him.

Hi there. I have this 1839 Russian gold coin. It came from a wealthy lady who passed away
and her family was from Russian here in Virginia.My girlfriend took care of the lady for a year
or so and her family gave the coin to my girlfriend. If you please help me to estimate this coin.
I have a local dealer who wants to buy it., thanks and take care. Robert.

This is a letter I received and now here is the response:

Dear Robert,

1839 Russian Imperal Gold Coin a rare one but it was converted to a jewelry pendant,
and it is worth much less than the original coin. The price of gold is now at $1720 an ounce.
I would say you can sell it to a dealer or on Ebay auction for approximately $ 700 to $1000.


Correction, the price of gold keeps going up. It is now $1749 an ounce. I would hold to it and
not sell it, at this uncertain time. The stocks are very weak and gold will continue to go up.


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