HELP PLEASE. Can't recall the title but the story is centred around kent-Hythe and the Romney Marshes. The son of a high ranking naval commander follows in his father's footsteps only to find himself dismissed in disgrace and unable to prove his innocence. He has been set up. All ties with the navy severed he is approached by MI5/6 and trained for a special, highly secret mission. He is flown out to a remote part of Russia where he waits for further orders. Eventually, after several weeks, a makeshift ambulance arrives carrying a very sick woman who he is instructed to escort back to England. A house had been obtained for them somewhere on the Romney Marshes where the rescuer becomes the young womans sole carer.
She never reveals her identity but chooses to be called Anna. She has amnesia and is suffering with TB so is mostly confined to a daybed but on one ocassion is transferred by ambulance to a sanitorium/spa in Yorkshire which is visited by a minor Royal who she seems to know. She and her rescuer eventually marry, whether for love or convenience, I don't recall, but after a very short time the TB from which she seemed to be recovering, returned and she died. She was buried in Hythe churchyard and her tombstone reveals her as just "Anna." I believe she was thought to be in her early 20s. On the day I visited Hythe it rained so hard that we couldn't get out of the car to go in the church.
Was there any truth in the story, written, if I recall, in the first person. Did a young man devote a few years of his life to a terminally ill highborn Russian woman with amnesia on the instructions of the Secret Service? What ever, it was such a good read back then that I would like to read it again-if only I could recall the title. HELP PLEASE!!!