Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian Antiques
Question about a possible Romanov ring
Hello all. My boss has this ring which she believes might be of Imperial provenance. I told her I would tap into the brilliant minds of the AP Forum to see if anyone could be of assistance in identifying it or just generally supplying info:
Forum Admin:
Imperial presentation items like rings usually had the cypher of the person giving, or at least the Imperial Crown. This piece looks to me more like something produced to celebrate the 1913 300 year celebrations. Just my opinion. What, if any, hallmarks are on the piece? I can't see any in the photos.
aleksandr pavlovich:
I, too, question the potential of Imperial provenance/presentation (if that is the thought). IMO, the appearance/finish particularly of the interior do not appear "professional" enough, if it is suspected to be in the original state. As the FA has said, there should definitely be hall-marks, and yes, usually the central design would prominently show the cypher of the monarch (just to let everyone know from whom it came!). IMO, it DOES strike me as well, as being a (potentially LATE) commemorative piece.
Is the box known to be a replacement? Hopefully, if original, it would show an attribution imprinted into the top lining. Likewise (if a presentation piece), a depiction of the Imperial crown or Imperial cypher would usually adorn the top of the box.
Without actually seeing the item, these are simply my impressions. Good luck on your findings! Regards, AP.
Thanks for the info so far. I will try to get more information from my boss. I told her the AP was the place to go. :)
Olga Bernice:
Even if it's not a Romanov ring, it's beautiful nonetheless. IMO, it's a keeper, no matter how valuble it turns out to be!
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