Author Topic: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?  (Read 5990 times)

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Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:21:44 PM »
I was reading Aleksei's letters, and came to the one letter to his father dated on December 18th, 1915, where the Heir(in the end) mentions himself, Boika, Shot and Joy. I used 'SEARCH' engine, and came to the one post where Boiika (Baiika) is mentioned once, as possible White dog the Heir owned!

What information more do we have on regarding this pet? What if Boika was...a cat? Is it mentioned somewhere? I 'think' that it name would rather be given to the Female pet, it ends with 'a'. And yes, in my language, it would be translated as 'Fairytale'. :-)

(If there exists a familiar topic, I'd suggest to the mods to merge/remove this one). Thanks for reading! Nena.:-)
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Olga Bernice

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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 11:00:56 PM »
Well, if you read it in letter, it is obvious that Alexei HAD him/her/it. But I had never heard of him before reading your post, so maybe he only had him/her/it for a short while - perhaps it died or ran away? I have no idea though - it does make sense that it would be a girl, because of the "a" as you said.

Sorry I am no more help.
Olga Bernice

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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 12:42:49 AM »
There is a photo of AN on the one of the yachts ,  holding a small white dog. He's quite young and both he and the dog are a the spot where one boards the ship....quite possibly not the same dog however since AN looks very young

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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 04:10:48 AM »
Oh, thanks anyway. He also mentions pets Rex and Diana, while being at Stavka in 1916. It matches with his photo sitting on a chair with a dog and a cat! But only the dog was Joy. Anyway, did you know that the Heir drank coffee and read S. Holmes stories? I wanted to say that we discovered(and still do) much details about the IF.
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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 04:55:58 AM »
Yes, I read that he indeed drank coffee. But as far as I know it was only a coffee substitute made of barley (without caffeine). Regarding S. Holmes he favoured the fight between Holmes and professor Moriarty. 


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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 06:39:30 AM »
Oh, thanks anyway. He also mentions pets Rex and Diana, while being at Stavka in 1916.

I thought people were calling dogs "Rex" because of the German Tv movie!
Ok, sorry for OT!

Olga Bernice

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Re: Aleksei's Pet - Boiika?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 09:07:35 AM »
Oh, thanks anyway. He also mentions pets Rex and Diana, while being at Stavka in 1916. It matches with his photo sitting on a chair with a dog and a cat! But only the dog was Joy. Anyway, did you know that the Heir drank coffee and read S. Holmes stories? I wanted to say that we discovered(and still do) much details about the IF.

Yes - The Lost Crown by Sarah Miller says that Anastasia and Alexei loved detective stories. It seems to fit the smaller pair - you know, the adventure!