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Thanks for the Happy Advent wish! I liked a lot your colorizations, and the last one is great...In it, you did Anastasia's legs noticiable! I've never been able to see them in this pic before you colorized it.RealAnastasia.
THanks! I've only seen the first version of the pic. I'm happy you also posted the black and white version of the one you've colorized. There, Anastasia's leg is very distinct.RealAnastasia.
Just want to say how everyone has improved on their coloring skills. Well done to you all.
Lovely! For me all these gorgeous colorings seem to bring out things in the photos I never noticed much before, such as cute little toddler Anastasia's shoes. The colored photos also seem to make the Romanovs more accessable, if that makes sense, because they're in color like present day photos. It makes me realize more, "The little Imperial children actually sat on that sofa, actually smiled a little for the camera just like that, over a hundred years ago." It just makes them more real, I suppose.
Here is my first ever colouring, redone for Christmas. I think I've improved, don't you? http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/338/2/1/merry_christmas_by_grandduchessisabelle-d4i5t4f.jpgand a little variant on it, just for fun:http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/339/5/4/merry_christmas_2_by_grandduchessisabelle-d4i92pt.jpg
Excellent job Isabelle, my fave was your OTMAA set!! Quote from: GrandDuchessIsabelle on December 11, 2011, 04:59:52 AMhttp://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/339/5/4/merry_christmas_2_by_grandduchessisabelle-d4i92pt.jpgThat was really funny!! Keep coloring, your colorized photos are every time better
Wow you really brought out the beautiful silk in those dresses. Royalty doesn't just express itself in jewels...but in such clothes. Really the embroidery is almost like jewels!