I'm no advocate of George and Mary's parenting skills, but in their defence, as well as causing them embarrassment, as all forms of mental illness did in those days, I'm certain they would not have wanted their son turned into a public spectacle. As for him being written out of history, he was hardly old enough to have had time to do anything worthy of more than just an odd mention and so far down the pecking order of Royal chicks as to be almost insignificant.
My father was left with epilepsy following a stroke and despite medication, fits were an ever present threat which on occasions manifested themselves. Thankfully, we live in a village where he was known so he was never accused of being drunk or whisked away in an ambulance. On one occasion, away from his home, he couldn't recall taking his medication, My heart sank but I told him not to worry.With the most wicked of grins, he reminded me that there was nothing he could do about it, and what ever occured, I would have to cope with. Luckily, that time, we got away with it!!