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On October 18 2020, Queen Mother Helen of Romania, grandmother of Princess Margareta, current Guardian of the Crown of Romania, joined the Royal Crypt to rest next to her son. She died in 1982 and was buried in Switzerland, in the Bois-de-Vaux cemetery, in Lausanne. For two days, various events have been scheduled in order to repatriate the remains of the queen Mother Helen of Romania to the royal crypt of the new cathedral of Curtea de Argeș, an episcopal church where the kings of Romania are buried.Since then, various reports or documentaries for have been broadcast to pay tribute to her, available on YouTube :https://www.google.com/search?q=Regina-mam%C4%83+Elena+a+Rom%C3%A2niei&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=800&biw=1280&client=tablet-android-samsung&prmd=imnv&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwji7Pqcl4LtAhUs5IUKHfgIBHMQ_AUoBHoECAAQBw#