Alixz that happens to me often in local games of Quizzo (AKA Pub Quiz, AKA "trivia"). I'll have something bordering on expert level knowledge of a topic but get the answer wrong, simply because of the strange way it is worded or because I over think the answer. Someone else with more limited education on the subject will then end up getting it correct because they aren't pulling from as many options or confused by the multiple variables.
Like the person who knocks out better players at the poker table because of a ridiculous bet they made that lucked out for them. Conversely I guess too much knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing, such as...
Q: Which "world leader" was so afraid of being poisoned that he chewed arsenic to build up a tolerance?
Expert Player #1 - "Well I know Rasputin chewed arsenic but this whole "word leader" thing is throwing me off. Rasputin is the one that's clearly not like the others so I'll toss him out of the equation.
Semi-Knowledgeable Player #2 - "Hmmm Rasputin did some crazy things, I didn't realize he was a world leader though. Still more likely than the other three, I guess..."
No Clue Player #3 - "Oh I hate history, but I think I heard of some of these guys...25% chance, OK, Rasputin it is!" lol