They would certainly make a good mini series.
Count me in for the writing.
Terrific Ann! :-)
Re-posting this from the other thread, my outline for the basic structure...
Hour 1 (1894-1895) - Nicholas and Alix are engaged, Alexander III dies, Nicholas assumes the throne, the wedding, and Olga is born.
Hour 2 (1896-1903) - Nicholas' coronation and the Khondynka incident, the exhibition, Hague Peace Conference & births of TMA.
Hour 3 (1904-1906) - Russo-Japanese War, birth of Alexei, pogroms against the Jews, Bloody Sunday, October Manifesto
Hour 4 (1907-1913) - Focus on family life, the Duma, brewing revolution, Sotolypin's assasination, Spala Incident, Enter Rasputin
Hour 5 (1914-1916) - Famous portrait session, World War I, life at the military hospital, Rasputin's murder
Hour 6 (1917-1918) - Bolshevik Revolution, Nicholas' abdication, held captive, Withdraw from WWI, IF murdered, epilogue