Author Topic: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series? Part I  (Read 221681 times)

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #435 on: July 30, 2012, 12:53:28 PM »
Just one point. I think by the time of Nicholas's illness Alexandra would have been fully aware of the Pauline Law. Perhaps you could put Alexandra's discussion of ther succession with Witte after the birth of Olga.


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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #436 on: July 30, 2012, 01:44:57 PM »
Just one point. I think by the time of Nicholas's illness Alexandra would have been fully aware of the Pauline Law. Perhaps you could put Alexandra's discussion of ther succession with Witte after the birth of Olga.


I thought it strange as well, and perhaps I jotted down my notes poorly or simply misread, but it seems to me this discussion with Witte supposedly took place during Nicholas's illness at the Crimea when the subject was naturally of great concern. Witte was a daily visitor to Livadia.

Then again you're probably right...after Georgy died it was made clear that Misha was now heir. I wouldn't put it past Alexandra to be asking Witte a rhetorical question about the Pauline laws however. Nor do I think it impossible that she believed the laws could be changed by herself and the Tsar, just as Paul I changed them.

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #437 on: July 30, 2012, 03:50:49 PM »
Yes, edubs, I have a tought or 2 about this.
 First, Paul was a misogynist, he was  not  "of stable mind".  His changing of the law was  a family matter to him.  Totally under his will.
 Nicholas was way too conservative to change what has bee for so long. Legally, Olga could not inherit unless  genealogical progression occurred.
That is, all male heirs were eliminated. Hence GD Maria's present claim to be head of the house. Also, NII could not change the  succession law with appoval, the Church and government as well as the military. If he had opposed those groups, he would have totally lost confidence way before the abdication.
 And, Alexandra, being who she was, I think would not have wanted it changed- male inheritance is primary.  Alternatives were not an option. I do not know what was in that woman's mind, but she most likely had other aims for her daughters,  rilling Russia most likely not one of them.
 Next- Olga herself. Would she have even wanted it ? What would it have done to her future prospects ? A life of secret lovers ? As previous empresses were forced to deal with, as she could not marry a Russian and any foreign prince would excite the  masses into even more xenophobia.
 Just my POV

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #438 on: July 30, 2012, 10:43:48 PM »
Ok well I found my source and it's Radzinsky's "Last Tsar". I'll have to cross reference this with other sources but Edvard seems to spell it out pretty clearly here...

In the fall of 1900 Nicholas fell seriously I'll in the Crimea. It was typhus...He was dying. The question had already been raised as to who would inherit the throne, a strange question for Alix: their oldest daughter, Olga, naturally. As in England, where her grandmother, Queen Victoria, ruled. If you thought about it, the Russians themselves had quite a empresses. But Witte explained that Michael must rule. Such was Paul I's law on succession, which embodied all of Paul's hatred for his mother, Empress Catherine the Great: a woman must not occupy the Russian throne.

Robert good points. I don't think any of us could have imagined Olga on the throne...especially at the ripe old age of five, with what I assume would be her mother regent at her side. Bottom line is that if Alix has posed the question to Witte as Radzinsky seems to be suggestion she was either absent minded (hardly a first for the Empress) or doing so rhetorically.
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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #439 on: August 01, 2012, 10:35:37 AM »
Alright next scene. I'm sort of winging it here as I don't know very much about the Montenegrin princesses. Notice the way I have the discussion between Militsa-Stana & Alix below. My idea for this was to have them in rapid fire mode, practically talking over each other and somewhat overwhelming the Empress who never the less is taking a liking to them...

December, 1900 - Alexander Palace, St. Petersburg
Next scene introduces us to the “Black Women”. Princess Anastasia and Milicia of Montenegro who have arrived at the Russia court through their husbands Grand Duke’s Nicholas Nikolaevich and Peter Nikolaevich. We catch up with them being introduced to Alexandra and Nicholas now back in Tsarskeo Selo following the Tsar’s recovery from typhoid fever.
Nikolasha is shown into a room along with his wife, brother, and sister-in-law. They exchange initial greetings with the Tsar and Empress before sitting down for tea and conversation…

Nikolsha: So good to see you fully recovered and in good spirits Nicholas!
Peter: Yes you were in the prayers of the entire civilized world.
Nicholas: It has been a difficult year and a half but God is merciful.
The women have broken off into their own small conversation…
Stana: How awful it must have been with Nicholas so ill.
Militsa: You must have been a wreck your majesty.
Stana: And in the early stages of a pregnancy no less.
Alexandra: It was God’s will that we that we faced such a trial.
Militsa: Yes, always God’s will.
Stana: Indeed!
Alexandra (momentary pause): So you ladies are from Montenegro but educated in Russia I hear?
Militsa: Yes we both attended the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens.
Alexandra: Right here in St. Petersburg?
Stana: Yes your majesty.
Alexandra: How lovely…I had no idea.
Militsa: So your majesty, may I call you Alix while we sit and chat?
Alexandra: Please do.
Militsa: Your daughters are all very beautiful much like their mother…yet I’ve sensed some growing anxiety over the fact that an heir has not yet been produced.
Stana: Yes Alix, I heard from my husband that you are three months pregnant. You are a woman of great faith, yes?
Alexandra: Of course.
Stana: And do you believe that there are some special individuals alive today that have the power to perform God’s works?
Militsa: Men of great moral conviction Alix. Starets who can see into the future and guide our paths. Not just inspired by God, but given the wisdom of the Almighty.
Stana: Mystical powers and conduits to the heavens. 
Alexandra: My sister Ella has taken an interest in some of what you are describing. I am a devout woman of Christian faith and not one to be led astray.
Militsa: We promise you it’s nothing of the sort. These are holy men. Ascetics. You know of the likes of St. Sergii of Radonezh…
Stana: And of course St. Serafim of Sarov?
Alexander: Yes I am familiar.
Militsa: There is another man from Lyon in France who has been performing miracles. He has come to Russia quite recently and made our acquaintance after being brought to the attention of the attaché of the Russian embassy in Paris. His name is Nizier Anthelme Philippe.
Stana: Monsieur Philippe made his name as a spiritual healer but his power and wisdom is not limited to medicine.
Militsa: Alix we would love to introduce you to this man. To be received by the Empress of Russia would be an incredible honor. He was harassed in Paris for practicing medicine and by those who feared to understand him.
Stana: We believe that as spiritual guide he will know for certain whether your unborn child is a boy or a girl…and he can be a great help to you during your pregnancy.
Alexandra: I am fascinated but the Empress of Russia cannot be seen consorting with such sorcerer’s. The church condemns it.
Militsa: Understand Alix that Monsieur Philippe is not a sorcerer but a znakhar.
Stana: Yes he is a Christian who creates from God without professing to be God himself.
Militsa: Think it over won’t you Alix?
Alexandra: Yes I certainly well. I thank you ladies.
Standing several feet away the men turn their attention back around to their wives…
Nicholas: Ladies we apologize.
Nikolasha: Yes it appears our conversation of six has become two sets of three.
Stana: Oh no problem whatsoever. We have just been catching up with her majesty and having quite a lively conversation.
Peter: Oh yes, about what?
Militsa: Lets talk about that later dear.
Alexandra: Yes I believe it’s time for me to see the girls…ladies would you care to escort me while I go check in on them.
Stana/Militsa: Yes, we’d be delighted.
The women exit the room heading down a hallway towards the bedrooms of Alexandra’s daughters. The men follow closely behind once again engaged in conversation as the scene fades out…

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Offline Kalafrana

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #440 on: August 01, 2012, 11:11:30 AM »
Two smallish points in my usual nitpicking fashion.

Is it certain that Nicholas's illness was actually typhus? I ask because it is spread by louse bites, and there would have to be something badly wrong with Nicholas's personal hygiene for him to get it! Could it be that what he had was typhoid, equally serious, and spread by tainted water?

Would the Nikolaievichi be aware of Alexandra's pregnancy at the 3-month stage?


Offline edubs31

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #441 on: August 01, 2012, 11:25:12 AM »
Two smallish points in my usual nitpicking fashion.

Is it certain that Nicholas's illness was actually typhus? I ask because it is spread by louse bites, and there would have to be something badly wrong with Nicholas's personal hygiene for him to get it! Could it be that what he had was typhoid, equally serious, and spread by tainted water?

Would the Nikolaievichi be aware of Alexandra's pregnancy at the 3-month stage?


Every little bit helps Ann!

Typhoid, not to be confused with 'typhus'. You are correct Ann. Apparently I'm not the only one who makes that mistake but they are two distinct bacterial illnesses.

To you second comment. Hmmmm, good question. I'll have to check back my sources but I want to say, yes, it was well known within the family and here is my reasoning...

During Nicholas's illness in the Crimea when the discussion over succession rights arose at least Alexandra knew that she was pregnant. I don't have any direct quotes to back me up (hence the need for me to go back and dig deeper) but there was apparently some discussion about Misha "probably" being willing to accept abdicating in favor of the child should it have been born a boy. That Nicholas survived and the baby ended up being Anastasia made it a moot point. We also know Alexandra had a "false pregnancy" earlier on that year.
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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #442 on: August 01, 2012, 12:06:15 PM »
To get typhus requires a person to be bitten by a louse which has carried the bacteria from someone else. It therefore requires people to be living at very close proximity in circumstances of poor hygiene - epidemics were common in Nazi concentration camps.


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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #443 on: August 01, 2012, 12:21:59 PM »
To get typhus requires a person to be bitten by a louse which has carried the bacteria from someone else. It therefore requires people to be living at very close proximity in circumstances of poor hygiene - epidemics were common in Nazi concentration camps.


Yes, and I would imagine extremely uncommon in the palaces of Russia...
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Offline JamesAPrattIII

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #444 on: August 02, 2012, 07:19:05 PM »
Last days of the Romanovs has Nicholas getting Typoid, Tatania also got Typoid in 1913 which caused her hair to fall out. so they shaved her head and she had to wear a wig. The actresses who get to play OTMA are not going to be to thrilled about getting their heads shaved. TN had it done twice. I sort of feel sorry for the Russian actresses who had to play them in Romanovy they didn't look like they were acting! Seriously, in Russia at this time you either had to drink bottled water or boil the tap water or else you could get Typoid ect. Also Typus was a big problem in Russia during the WW I period. i made a post on it in the section the final chapter Lice clother & Isa. It killed large numbers of people during this period. Some of the victims include Generals N.I. Ivanov & A A Polinanov, Purishkevich, one of rasputins murderers, P Mededev, one of the Chekists who murdered the IF, and V.I. Chebotareva who worked as a nurse with Olga and Tatania.
 On the Steel navy message board on 15 july 2012 the was a CGI film clip of Turning point Battle of Tsushima it was from a japanese movie. It looked cool but has been taken down. It might be on Youtube somewhere. they also had a clip from a 1969 movie on this battle staring Toshiro Mifune. Battle sences like this would sure liven things up
 There are also WW I reenactors out there who I think have a replica WW I era Russian armored car which would make a usefull background prop in the Feb/mar and Oct/Nov 1917 revolution scenes
 There is also a remake of movie Anna Karenina in the works that should be out later this year.
I hope this is of some help.

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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #445 on: August 03, 2012, 03:38:15 AM »
Hello James

You are quite correct about typhus being a major killer in Russia during the Civil War period. But that was a time of chaos, where the conditions whereby people would get lice and the lice move between people could prevail.

Rather different from Nicholas living in a palace!


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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #446 on: August 03, 2012, 01:37:15 PM »
Thanks for chiming in James!

The actresses who get to play OTMA are not going to be to thrilled about getting their heads shaved. TN had it done twice. I sort of feel sorry for the Russian actresses who had to play them in Romanovy they didn't look like they were acting!

Yeah no kidding. If I remember correctly the final scene in the Ipatiev basement was a little off however. They showed the daughters still having very short like they would have had maybe a month after shaving their heads. In reality it was many months late by mid-July of 1918 and I'm pretty sure the daughters (when they didn't have it up) had their hair grown back to at least about shoulder length.

Seriously, in Russia at this time you either had to drink bottled water or boil the tap water or else you could get Typoid ect.

No wonder there was so much alcoholism! The water often wasn't safe to drink, there wasn't much in the way of juice or soda, and how many adult men were going to drink milk, right? Beer and booze was the sensible option.

They also had a clip from a 1969 movie on this battle staring Toshiro Mifune. Battle sences like this would sure liven things up.

Sounds cool, I'll have to check it out!

There is also a remake of movie Anna Karenina in the works that should be out later this year.

Saw that too. Not the kind of movie that typically gets me rushing to the theater but considering the topic, so long as it gets decent reviews, I may just check it out.
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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #447 on: August 03, 2012, 11:04:45 PM »
And back we go! The mysterious Philippe enters the picture, Anastasia is born, and the first steps are taken that will result in the Russo-Japanese war. I have more from around this time period (1900-03) to share, so stay turned...

April, 1901 – Tsarskeo Selo, St. Petersburg

For the next scene we shift to a few months later. Nicholas and Alexandra have been introduced to Dr. Philippe. His claim of 'doctor' a rather dubious one as he was given the official title only after the French Government bowed to the request of the Russian Empress, not wanting to offend an important alley.

Philippe: Your majesty it is an honor.
Alexandra: The French Government is filled with reasonable men. I knew they would come around to it. You are a doctor and healer of the highest order my friend!
Philippe: It’s the Lord’s blessing. We all play our role. I am blessed with his divine inspiration and communicating his will. You and the Tsar are the mother and father of Russia and have the power to move your people closer to God.
Alexandra (nodding her head and smiling): Yes monsieur.
Philippe: There are many in Russia still that have not warmed to my presence. I can feel their judgmental eyes looking me up and down.
Alexandra: They do not understand you is all. They are ignorant.
Philippe: I’m quite used to that your majesty…but I worry it is also you that they do not understood. An Empress must have the confidence of her people.
Alexandra (looking down and placing her right hand on her pregnant belly): Once this son of mine is born all concerns will be forgotten…but just the same perhaps an official title for you is in store.
Philippe: It would be wise.
Alexandra: Very well, you are a doctor today and by tomorrow you will also be “Actual Councillor of the State”.
Philippe (bowing and nodding): Your majesty.
Alexandra (finishes a sip of tea): Now Philippe I beg you, please tell me of my son.
Philippe: It is written in the stars and God commands it. The significance of the timing of his birth is not to be overlooked. This too is a sign from above. The boy is to be introduced to us, here, in a new century. He will become a powerful Tsar, but he must be guided and protected, for I foresee him a vulnerable child. You must keep away from him all those who are of questionable moral character and influence.
Alexandra: Of course it will be done.
Philippe (starts into a rambling sermon as though giving a blessing): The soul must be given the Word of God. The break of angels. It is his that nourishes the soul. The soul replete with despair goes mad….he who conquers passion conquers despair as well.

From Philippe’s dime-store philosophy we shift our scene to June 18, 1901. Alexandra has just giving birth to a huge 10 ½ pound baby girl. The family’s fourth. We are shown a brief scene of the crying newborn cradled by her mother and embraced by Nicholas. The two seem happy but there is clearly a some emotional reserve.

We then cut to Nicholas pacing alone in Alexander Park, a look of concern frozen on his face. He walks with his left hand in pocket, the right free to twirl his mustache or hold a cigarette. Sometime later a palace sentry approaches the Tsar…

Sentry: Your Majesty!

Nicholas turns to acknowledge…

Sentry: Your majesty forgive me but I’ve been asked to summon you. Minister’s Durnovo and Lamsdorf are in the waiting room. I’m told they have a scheduled meeting…?
Nicholas: Thank you.
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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #448 on: August 03, 2012, 11:06:29 PM »
Nicholas walks past the sentry without another word as we cut quickly to the following scene where the Tsar is shown receiving his Council of Ministers and his Minister of Foreign Affairs...

Minster Durnovo: Your majesty allow us to extend our congratulations on the birth of your new daughter.

Nicholas turns to look at both men for a moment. He stares as though alarmed by Durnovo’s words before composing himself with a slight yet appreciative grin…

Nicholas: 10 ½ pounds. A personal record for us…so far she’s the loudest one too.
Minster Lansdorf: Bless your little one, and the Empress. Glory be to Russia!
Nicholas (looking down at paperwork and responding almost curtly): Yes, thank you.
Minster Durnovo: What is her name your majesty?
Nicholas: Anastasia.
Minister Durnovo: How delightful.
Nicholas: Well gentleman as you can see I am the busy father of a newborn with an exhausted wife…how may I help you?
Minister Durnovo: Uh, yes sir. Well we’ll make this quick and I thank you for receiving us. Your majesty there a few foreign matters of concern. The Minister of Foreign Affairs along Minster Witte are talking about pursuing a new diplomatic policy regarding China. Minster Lansdorf beside me is heading up the task. I’m sure you can appreciate how delicate a situation it is. Muravyov made a bit of mess out of things before he died and the Boxer Rebellion complicated matters further.
Minister Lansdorf: Additionally your majesty we have the “Eastern Question” to deal with.
Nicholas: The Balkans?
Minster Lansford: Yes your majesty. Administrative reform for the Ottoman Empire and the need to strengthen and protect Russia’s position in the Balkans.
Minster Durnovo: Then of course there is Korea and Japan.
Nicholas: What of them?
Minster Lansdorf: Our position in Manchuria is secured but there are many who feel the time is ripening for a move on Korea.
Nicholas: I believe this as well. You ought to hear what the Kaiser wrote me the other day.
Minister Durnovo: I believe I heard a quote circulating in the German press. I believe his exact words were, “it is evident to every unbiased mind that Korea must and will be Russian.”
Nicholas: The Kaiser has great confidence in Russia as do I. I’m well aware of the fact that there is much self interest involved but he’s right…Korea should belong to Russia.
Minister Lansford: With that in mind your majesty myself, and many of the ministers have agreed on a plan that would involve the presence of a special adventurer.
Nicholas: Go on.
Minister Lansford: The idea would be not to wage war in order to capture Korea, but to steal it. We could establish a private company…tinder would probably make the most sense and they would be accompanied by Russian soldiers disguised as workmen moving into the country. You your majesty would be given plausible deniability if anything should go awry.
Nicholas: Sounds fascinating Lansford.
Minister Lansford: The Japanese think we might be up to something. They’re sending Prime Minister Marquis Ito to negotiate terms in the event that any agitation should occur in the Far East.
Nicholas: I remember Ito during my visit to Japan some years ago. He is held in great esteem in his land but the Japanese need not concern themselves with our rightful position in Manchuria…and if I am understanding you gentleman correctly the success of our ventures into Korea is dependant upon secrecy.
Minister Lansford: Yes of course your majesty.
Minister Durnovo: It is worth mentioning that not all ministers agree with this plan.
Nicholas: Like who?
Minister Durnovo: Witte for example. He was very much opposed to the idea. Considered it covert jingoism. (chuckling) I believe he threatened to resign his post in protest.
Minster Lansford: I wish he wouldn’t be so melodramatic whenever he doesn’t get his way.
Nicholas: Witte’s opinion is valuable and I must learn more of the specifics but I cannot think of a more appropriate option than this. Ignoring Korea is out of the question. On the other hand even if the Japanese do not stand a chance against us waging war will cost many thousands of lives . The agreement from the Hague Conventions entered into force less than a year ago. I placed Russia firmly behind the concept of a new peace for the 21st century. I’ll be damned if I’m going to start the first war of it.
Minister Durnovo: Very well your majesty. We shall summon the generals and get into specifics.
Minister Lansford: Such a mission will take time, training, careful planning, and near perfect execution.
Nicholas: Yes I agree there is no reason for us to rush and get ahead if ourselves.
Durnovo/Lansford: Very well your majesty!

Scene cuts away...
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Re: New Nicholas & Alexandra Video - Mini Series?
« Reply #449 on: August 05, 2012, 05:41:24 AM »
Small point, as usual. I very much doubt that a sentry would be asked to fetch the Tsar to a meeting. That would be the job of an ADC. The sentry would be in his place presenting arms as people entitled to salutes go in and out.

For film purposes we need to check whether a Russian present arms is the same as the British one, which is quite an impressive affair (see any film of Trooping the Colour).
