Author Topic: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs  (Read 16271 times)

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Offline edubs31

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Re: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2013, 12:43:59 PM »
Darn, of course that's the one weekend in March that I'm unavailable. Looks like a nice time! The other exhibits are interesting as well but most of them appear to be on week nights. I like Douglas Smith too but not enough to cruise down to DC for only a two hour book presentation & lecture on a week night.

If something changes I'll drop you a line Laura. If you do choose to go good luck with it. Are you coming from Toronto & Hamilton area or further west, like London? It's a bit of hike but you can still drive it one way in a day.

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Offline Laura Mabee

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Re: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2013, 03:03:54 PM »
I'm coming from the Toronto/Hamilton area. It would be an do-able drive for sure, that's true.
It's kind of last minute too, this symposium, but if I get a chance to go, I'll write a summary.


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Re: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2013, 02:03:25 PM »
There is little (nothing, really) that can be added to edubs' excellent account of this conference. Way to take notes, e! And be able to organise them so coherently.
I found most compelilng the presentations on the route of the last Imperial Family to canonization, the elaboration and resurgence of earlier style icons and their creation (hello, Alexandra!) and the institution and influence of the press in the last 50 years of the monarchy.

Re: the latter in edubs' reply 6. The Yiddish language daily in question published in NYCity is the Jewish Daily Forward, itself the New World incarnation politically and socially of the press organ of the German Social Democratic Party, Vorvaerts, (Forward). The former is still published and is  quite recognisable politically as the descendant of its founders.

On a more general note, but still very interesting, it's striking to note the continuity unto the present day of the poitical arguments and atitudes toward  the last three Romanov monarchs held in the roughly 1860s to 1918 period , held by  the Conference participants who were  very distinguished writers and academics,including several Russians. That is, though they were properly as objective as required or might be expected, , with impressive experience and research to support their work, nevertheless there were some surprising instances of personal biases (antagonisms?). One speaker virtually apologised to the audience for bucking the conventional  and predominant historical view of Alexandra  Feodorovna  as an hysterical ,manipulative, narrow-minded  and religious fanatic who was the real power behind the throne.

In addition, in the question and answer period following the individual presentations, one could often hear some zealous and almost geeky questions and near-speeches which we Forum folks would readily recognise., though not the IF adoration part. Not  that there's anything wrong with that!

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Re: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2013, 08:23:38 PM »
How did I miss this great summing up until now?? Thank you!!

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Offline edubs31

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Re: 400th Anniversary of the Romanovs
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2013, 09:45:56 PM »
How did I miss this great summing up until now?? Thank you!!

:-) Sounds like you've been busy!

Thanks for the kind words though. I felt like I was back in school listening to the professor and jotting down notes non-stop. Of course it was, for the most part, more enjoyable than that.
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