Author Topic: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...  (Read 26755 times)

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An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:08:22 AM »
Came across this after someone posted a link on a Romanov fanpage.  This Italian lady claims she is Olga and escaped with Alexandra, Alexei, Tatiana, Maria to Perm.  Sadly with many evidence and knowledge that we know that the IF perished on July 17 1918 there is still people out there today who believe someone escaped.

Facebook fanpage of "I am Alive - Estoy Viva".   It was a memior published in the 50s in Italy.!/pages/I-Am-Alive-Estoy-Viva-The-unpublished-memoirs-of-the-last-Romanov/278177712297249

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 01:46:08 PM »
As I suspected the woman is Margda Bodts! Well the face of the old lady of the collage is the same. How is this person related to Margda? or better to say Why is he/she making her publicity? Is funny to see that these people are quite stubborn despite the evidence that proves that such claims are fake!
Thanks for sharing, is a pity that I haven't find much information about the "other Olgas" except of this woman and a pair more  :(


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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 06:11:21 PM »
Yes, it´s about Marga Boodts. Her memoires are going to be published in September. "Estoy Viva", I am alive.  I have read she wrote these memoires in the 60´s but for some reason are published only now after so many years. I don´t know who she really was. Perhaps a German woman. She lived in Germany for many years. She was married to a man, Carlo Boodts for a couple of years in the 1920´s. Her final years she lived in Menaggio in northern Italy where she died in 1976. She was visited by the authors of The file of the Tsar, Anthony Summers and Tom Mangold in the 70´s. They said that nothing emerged from the meeting to support the notion that she was a Grand Duchess or a Romanov. But she was suppported by prince Sigismund of Prussia,first cousin of the Tsar´s children. He was also as is known a supporter of Anna Anderson. Perhaps Marga Boodts was an interesting woman in her own right just like Anna Anderson.

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 09:22:33 PM »
 Marga Boodts looked even less like Olga than Anna Anderson looked  like Anastasia. Just google the name...It's laughable. I believe Anthony Summers and Tom Mangold visited her because her cover story was similar to  thier own theory that the women of the family were taken  to Perm. If they said nothing positive about her after thier visit, imo that speaks volumes. 

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Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 04:37:54 PM »
...Perhaps Marga Boodts was an interesting woman in her own right just like Anna Anderson.

I think that she as many claimants are interesting by themselves not minding who are really they, frequently their stories are full of mystery and unclear things, of course, they're not Romanovs or related to Royalty. Sadly, is really hard to know who were really many of those people, mainly the ones who appear just a while and disappear as fast as they appeared.

The most disappointing thing on that fanpage is that there is a few people that believe that someone escaped that night in 1918. 

Yes, sadly many uninformed people believe all what they read, not minding that science has proved that all those claims are fake. I've read several pages about claimants where people still question the results of DNA tests to the IF and create the strangest reasons to deny them  :(

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 01:48:15 AM »
Do you actually have the interest to have completed hundreds of photograph comparisons? would not need even 5 photograph comparisons to know it's not the same person....unless one was also in need of a  seeing eye dog.

The fact that anyone real would have , by now, died a natural death in any case, threw this stuff off for awhile , oh and the DNA of course. But now a living person doesn't have to be produced! Perfect! lol

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2012, 03:04:49 AM »
It boggles the mind doesn't it.  I don't know weither to be offended or highly amused that I got banned from this particular fanpage and as for his comments.  It's hiliarous to what some people say when they are defending someone or something because someone is blunt with the truth. 

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2012, 06:06:38 AM »
THe wonderful quote from the gentleman. 

‎@Chantelle How would you know? According to you, the last photograph of her was taken when she was 23 years old. Do you actually have the interest to have completed hundreds of photograph comparisons? Have you taken time to do this yourself or do you allow others to tell you the story? Do you know anything about time lapse photography? Clearly in Italian, The newspaper article tell us of her! There are documents that identify both Olga and Marie in the Chambers of Pope Pius XII at The Vatican. Have you seen any of these thing? What books and credibility to you have on this subject?

It is apparent that you know no other languages in order to have broadened your knowledge of who was assisting these people, where they traveled to or what actually happened. How many archives have you visited? Have you traveled to The Vatican, Hamburg, Italy? Do you have any royal family friends that you interviewed? Have you translated documents from five different languages to identify the reality of this family? There was a covert operation in order to allow all of them to disappear. Is "The File On The Tsar" in your library? I suggest you read it. Go also to The Houghton Library on the Harvard Campus. Have some respect for those that have researched and investigated a lot more than you!

All the Western Hemisphere media is aware of this book. The ROC, the ROCOR, The Vatican, House of Romanov, The House of Windsor, The Russian Nobility Association, The Romanoff Family Association, BBC, Pravda, Prince Nicholas Romanov, Snithsonian, Princess Marie Vladimirovna. Telemundo, Canadian Broadcast Corp., Patriarch Kirill, and many others have all been personally notified of this publication.
  Of course I can not answer him asI'm blocked.

This sounds like the person who posted for a while under the Amazon book reviews of Resurrection of the Romanovs under the name of "Robert Crouch".  He was proclaiming that a new blockbuster book was right on the verge of being published that would reveal vast stores of evidence from southern European archives that would prove to "all the world" that the real survival story had heretofore been untold.  Of course, that was almost two years ago.  The blockbuster book has thus far failed to appear.

Those reviews also were full of claims that the DNA test results, despite being consistently replicated using multiple samples by four highly-reputable labs in several countries, were flawed.  The reasons given for the flawed results ranged from a conspiracy by the British government to bribery and fraud in all the labs to switched samples to faulty testing techniques to misinterpreted results.  But my personal favorite was a poster named "HarryB" who threw a real monkey wrench into the boiling cauldron of crazy.  He claimed that the DNA tests were correct but the reason that Anderson's DNA did not match Romanov DNA was that Anastasia was a changeling -- that the real daughter had died shortly after birth and, for some mysterious reason, another infant had been substituted in her place.  (He never could explain why Nicholas and Alexandra would have been so desperate to hide the death of a fourth daughter -- who under no scenario could become a factor in the succession -- that they would raise a non-Romanov as their own child.)

The tidal forces of absurdity that ebb and flow around the murders of the Imperial family are seemingly eternal and certainly impervious to science and reason.  But they make for a roaring good time if you can approach it with the proper sense of humor.  If you try to approach it as part of a sane discussion of history, well . . . good luck.

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2012, 07:41:13 AM »
Yeah I don't think I could bring myself to argue with these people. I know it's amusing to do so buy by quarreling with them you are basically validating their position. The only reason I can see for taking them to task is out of some sort of concern that their rhetoric will poison the minds of future generations of Romanov/history fans while they are still new to the subject and presumably vulnerable.

Even now on the rare occasion that I speak to someone on the subject that isn't a true fan or has "expert" knowledge like we do here on the AP, one of the first things that naturally gets brought up is the survivor claim...although with the newbees it's mercifully isolated to Anastasia. But it doesn't take me long to straighten them out and if they choose to dig further into the topic anything they are likely to read is going to be a reputable enough source as to dismiss with survivor possibilities.
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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 11:50:31 AM »
Generally skeptics and conspiracy theorists have a laundry list of topics they touch on. I'm sure survivor claim of Olga N is just one of many. Sometimes you can find on their Facebook page or by Googling their name some of the lunatic posts they've made on other topics. If you want to have some fun with this guy attack him from all sides. Is he also a "Birther", a "Truther", a "New World Order" fanatic?

But personally I wouldn't bother with him. The old, "don't argue with an idiot, you may not know the difference" saying comes to mind...
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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2012, 12:04:59 PM »
What do you guys think?

This guy is an idiot, a complete moron. 

He probably thinks Olga is alive and well, and living with Elvis and JFK on Mars  ::)
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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2012, 12:29:33 PM »
Harry Binknow "HarryB" is banned from the APTM, and his quotes have been removed. The man is truly a lunatic and suffers some sort of disorder. I hope you understand why I have removed the posts.

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2012, 12:45:54 PM »
What do you guys think?  My friend Fran responded with "How did you know I got spanked last night."  lol.
I think this guy has a book to sell lol...and Fran sounds pretty witty lol . What a good number of younger fans may not know is that the  MB / Olga claim has been around a long time . What was old is new again. I believe in recycling...but not in this case!

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2012, 02:58:07 PM »
What do you guys think?

This guy is an idiot, a complete moron. 

He probably thinks Olga is alive and well, and living with Elvis and JFK on Mars  ::)

Well it's obvious they are Tim. Why else would we have spent billions of dollars on that rover? Certainly not to take pictures of red landscapes and ice crystals. It was to find a Princess, a King, and a President! Worthy enough mission don't you think?

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Re: An Italian woman claimed to be Olga...
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2012, 04:57:29 PM »
I see these nutcases actually believing this, they were all abducted by Martians.

This guys seriously needs a reality check.  Olga N died on July 17, 1918.  None of them escaped.
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