Concerning the Photo referred to in #153: This is from a well-known series of photos taken at Tsarskoe Selo. Authority: Marvin Lyons', "Nicholas II, The Last Tsar," page: 188, photos 288-96, (quoting) " The construction of the snow tower in the park at Tsarskoe Selo, February 1916. Sailors from the Garde Equipage, which manned the Imperial yachts and also looked after the lakes in the Imperial parks, as well as representing the navy in the Imperial Guard, were called in to 'assist' the Emperor and his children in their effort to construct the tower." (End quote) While the individuals are not named in Lyons' caption/s, I am of the opinion that the other boy is "Kolya" Derevenko, playmate of the Heir, and son of one of the Heir's physicians. This series of photos ends with the later thawed snow/ice "rubble" of the tower. AP