Dear All,
Here are the results of where we will begin with Pushkin:
Forum User Selection
1. Sarahelizabethii Short Selections
2. Belochka Short Selections
3. Belochka's Mother
(honorific) Short Selections
4. Rob M. Short Selections
5. Tante Lilly
(honorific) Short Selections
6. AlexP. Short Selections
7. Cvetabel No Vote Received
8. Arleen Short Selections
9. Hikaru Short Selections
10. Tania Short Selections
11. Lucien Short Selections
12. Lexi4 Short Selections
13. NAAOTMA Short Selections
14. Penny Wilson Abstains
Thus, we will begin with the poem "Zimnii Vecher".
Belochka, you would please be so kind as to obtain either an on-line copy of "Zimnii Vecher", an edition of which is not subject to copyright restrictions, and post a bilingual version of same, or at least post an English-language version for our English-speaking kind friends and a Russian-language for our Russian-speaking friends.
Thank you so much.
Later tonight I will example how we are going to proceed. As I said the approach will be a "Man and His Times and His Arts". When we are finished with this poem, I want all of you to feel as if you were in actually in Petersburg, 1826, say....(a date chosen by random, Makendonsky, just for the record).
With all of the very best from Shanghai,