Author Topic: The Grimaldi's of Monaco Part II  (Read 131311 times)

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The Grimaldi's of Monaco Part II
« Reply #60 on: July 29, 2015, 02:30:58 AM »
Pierre Casiraghi,son of HRH Princess Caroline,married Beatrice Borromeo in a civil ceremony last saturday.
The religious wedding will be this saturday,august 1st.
Je Maintiendrai

Offline Превед

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Re: The Grimaldi's of Monaco Part II
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2015, 11:26:21 AM »
Wow, Princesse Antoinette, Baroness de Massy's granddaughter Mélanie Antoinette's full surname is Costello de Massy de Lusignan, indicating some connection with the medieval Lusignan Kings of Jerusalem and Cyprus! Turns out she is only named after her British-born ballet dancer and choreographer father Nikolai Vladimir Costello's (of Russophile Irish heritage?) nom de scène!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 11:49:23 AM by Превед »
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Re: The Grimaldi's of Monaco Part II
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2016, 12:05:19 PM »
Are there any special meanings behind the names (besides the Rainier part)?

Jacques is probably in honour of Jacques I of Monaco, the first Prince of the Goyon-Matignon dynasty (which ruled before the current Polignac dynasty). His son was Honoré III, so there have been several (five actually) princes called Honoré. And of course Grace Kelly's father John Kelly was nicknamed Jack!

Gabriella is perhaps in honour of Duchesse Gabrielle de Polignac, famous friend of Marie-Antoinette and a direct ancestress of Prince Albert II through his Polignac paternal grandfather.

According to Diana Nigra, Gabriella's god-mother, Thérèse comes after her grand-mother Pss Thérèse de Polignac (1916-2014) oo Pedro de Assis Mascarenhas de Barros.

Im an interview, she said that Pr.Albert was extremely fond of his cousin Pss Thérèse and decided to pay hommage to her by naming his daughter.

Relationship between Pss Thérèse and Pr. Albert II;spouse=on;m=RL;i=4383430;l1=3;i1=4383375;l2=4;i2=3644876