This is an interesting thread. I used to post here a lot, back in the day( I joined in August, 2005). Then I posted less and less after about 2009. I just got caught up in other websites, many of which barely existed or did not exist in 2005, and in other interests and online friendships. I think that's probably happened to others who no longer post here much or at all. It's sad Alixz left, and that Tania hasn't posted in such a long time. I barely know who posts here anymore. Sometimes I think people just have their say here and then move on to other things. I ran up thousands of posts on here, but nowadays I look back and realize some stuff I posted on here when I was say, 19( I'm 28 now) was not the perspective I would have to day and that some of my posts were immature or repetitive or both. I regret that. But at least I was a 19- 20 year old who enjoyed history, even if I am sure I would have contributed more to the forum if I hadn't posted so much at one time. I think it's interesting to get new faces in online forums. I feel nostalgia for what this forum used to be like, even while I really don't know what it's like today. I just logged in here yesterday because I saw an article about the Romanovs and then I remembered I hadn't glanced at this forum in months. So I came here and saw this thread.
I used to be friends with Tania on here, and off of here. I thought then and I still think she's a very interesting person. I didn't know her father was mentioned in a book about the Romanovs? Which book was that- ''Years?'' I've read so many books on the Romanovs that I don't remember which one that was. I looked her up online and it looks to me like she's doing fine, though I haven't had any contact with her since she stopped posting here. People sometimes just fall out of contact online or stop posting on forums because they move on to other things, online and off.