Author Topic: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While  (Read 217847 times)

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Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #195 on: March 12, 2017, 12:00:08 AM »
Welcome back, Kitt!

Someone asked about me. I've always been a friend of Bob's and Rob's. They can always reach me.

I became ill in 2012 and had to stop working for some time. I resumed working but stopped in 2015. I have been disabled since. My husband and I retired and moved to Murrieta, CA in May 2016.

I care for my mother in law who is in the early stages of dementia. But, I finally have time for this Forum again, which makes me very happy. Ilana Miller remains a dear friend. She has been looking for Alixz.

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #196 on: March 12, 2017, 12:22:31 AM »
Mostly of us moved to tumblr. Personally i stopped posting here often when someone told me , while i was recovering of a miscarrage scare, that i posted too much ( and that was annoying for him)
I have been a long time lurker (10+ years) on this site and finally started posting last year.  I want to tell you that I have always enjoyed your posts and I hope that you have fully recovered.  Kind regards, JGP

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #197 on: March 12, 2017, 07:31:43 AM »
Ilana Miller remains a dear friend. She has been looking for Alixz.

Alixz  has been gone from here almost five years now.  Where does the time go?
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Offline Kalafrana

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #198 on: March 12, 2017, 09:20:49 AM »
I hadn't realised it was as long as that.

I miss Alixz's contributions.


Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #199 on: March 12, 2017, 09:23:46 AM »
Thank you for your kind words.

Culturally, the Romanovs have gone through many ups and downs since their murder. I suppose it is to be expected. With much but not all of the controversies resolved, many don't post as often as before. Some of us may feel our voices  need not be heard, or do not have the urgency they once did.

As to online friends, I am saddened by the losses such as yours, Tim M, of those like RBH. My personal policy is and has always been, I use my real name, and if we are friends, I share my email and cell phone. That doesn't mean there have not been bumps in the road.

I once befriended a teen from here who was attending college and we talked and emailed and phoned for years. Then he wanted to come out to CA and meet. I asked him if he told his parents of his plans and he assured me he had. So I picked him up at LAX and after driving him around for the better part of a day, he told me he had to leave. I never got the full story, but my guess is he never told his parents of his plans and they must have freaked after hearing horror stories about the awful things that happened to kids from online friendships.

The sad part about the Imperial Family for me is that their church has apparently abandoned them just as so many so called friends must have after the Revolution.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 09:25:35 AM by LisaDavidson »

Offline TimM

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #200 on: March 12, 2017, 12:00:50 PM »
Good to have you back, Lisa.

Culturally, the Romanovs have gone through many ups and downs since their murder. I suppose it is to be expected. With much but not all of the controversies resolved, many don't post as often as before. Some of us may feel our voices  need not be heard, or do not have the urgency they once did.

Now that we're at the centennial of the Russian Revolution, things might pick up again.

I am saddened by the losses such as yours, Tim M, of those like RBH.

Thanks, Lisa.  Five-and-a-half years later, her disappearance still puzzles me.

The sad part about the Imperial Family for me is that their church has apparently abandoned them just as so many so called friends must have after the Revolution.

I guess you mean the ROC's foot dragging on the burial of the last of the two children.   
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Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #201 on: March 12, 2017, 03:26:52 PM »
Yes and constantly doubting the results of every kind of testing every time they have been tested. I have totally lost respect for the ROC as a result.

Offline von Ebert

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #202 on: March 12, 2017, 11:04:26 PM »
  Unfortunately there are a number of people put on the blacklist been Tania or another that may have true information they may only know and care to share, but there are control persons who decide what can be read or not read, in short they act like a dictator   

The founder of Alexanders Palace purpose was formed for others to communicate with each other and share what they wish to say and enlighten us all with stories of the royal families or ask opinions of other members.

It is now up to past and present forum members  to ask the founder in writing to allow a free hand in providing or asking information on this site be posted otherwise it defeats the purpose and hard work of the founder of Alexanders Palace web forum. If this problem is not corrected this web site will disappear just like some of its past members.


- I agree that we have probably lost more members than we will ever know. I know there was a bright kind lady who posted, if I remember as Tania+. I haven't heard from her in years and she used to send me manuscripts in the regular mail. The last time I spoke with her, she was very ill.

She was often "booed" for her posting about her ancestors as there were some who did not believe in her stories and thought she was making them up.

There was also another whom we called "Bear" who had a Pooh Bear icon. I haven't heard from her in a long time either.

I also know that there are those who have been blocked by FA for various reasons or have left voluntarily as they no longer agreed with the way things are done here. Some of them I miss greatly.

I have often wondered if my husband or son would think to let the forum know if anything happened to me. Probably my son, as he is an ITech and is very aware of the sites I use and the places I post.

But perhaps I will just disappear one day and someone like you, edubs, will say, "We haven't heard from Alixz in a long time. Didn't she used to be a Moderator? I wonder where she went."
W. von Ebert

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #203 on: March 13, 2017, 12:08:17 AM »
Von Ebert. Funny you mentioned me as the person who might ask what happened to Alixz.

As it turns out I've been in contact with her recently. It's not my business to disclose any personal information or her specific reasons for leaving the forum, but I can tell you she's doing well at the moment and, while the Romanovs never stray far from her radar, she's currently more interested in other historical subjects.

I think a lot of people who are very active leave a forum such as this...possibly for a couple months for any number of reasons...and then are too embarrassed to return or too tired to play catch up.
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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #204 on: March 13, 2017, 02:51:37 AM »
I am disturbed by the tone of this post. Nobody is removed because of what they said. Over the last decade, perhaps a dozen users, out of the several thousand, were banned for their behavior. NOT their beliefs.

We are dedicated to free speech. Rules are necessary. I try to keep the rules as flexible as possible, but some rules are simply required. We can't have libelous speech for living people. We can't have abusive behavior of other users. We decided to accept the DNA findings of the IF remains (after personal conversations with those who did the DNA analysis and published the conclusions) and felt continued discussion of "survivors" was simply divisive and not appropriate.

Tania was never banned from the Forum.  I found her a lovely person and had no problem with her.

I am no "dictator" and frankly find such to be disgusting and based on supposition and not reality.  Nobody prevents free discussion here. We encourage free discussion, so long as the few rules are followed.

Myth and unsupported fantasy suppositions aren't allowed, such is not the purpose of a factual based history forum. Any other rational factual based discussion is encouraged.

Von Ebert's libelous accusations are frankly disgusting.  This website has been here for 20 years. This website is copied and catalogued by the Library of Congress as a valuable resource, of which we are most proud.

Von Ebert has been asked repeatedly to provide factual basis for assertions and has repeatedly refused to provide the answers.  The unsupported and unsubstantiated rantings of assertions are not the point of this Forum.

The fact that Von Ebert believes that founder of the website is not working with me shows how little he knows and how incorrect he is.  The founder of this website is my husband of 25 years and I have been the admin of this Forum since day one and act with his full support, authority and confidence.

Of the 3,000 or so users of the Forum, only a small handfull have left. Only a dozen or so were banned. 99% of our users are still registered, welcomed and free to participate or not as they wish. There is no "problem".

If you have "true" information, be prepared to demonstrate the TRUTH of the information with more than your belief and "say so". Have evidence and demonstrate the evidence. Von Ebert refuses to do so.

Yet, von Ebert is still here, No?

I demand an apology or if Von Ebert doesn't like this Forum, go elsewhere.

Offline edubs31

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #205 on: March 13, 2017, 11:20:38 PM »
Hear hear!

I'm no veteran of this forum but I have been one of the most active posters over the past 5 1/2 years or so and have had the privilege to interact with a number of wonderful & wise individuals on the AP. We should all be grateful for the Time Machine and it's accompanying forum. Last I checked there are no paid subscriptions needed for the AP nor is it the unvetted mess that social media pages often are.

Something else I like to point out from time to time is while actual posts may only be a fraction of what they were several years ago if you look at the number of page views it remains consistently high. In some ways one could argue this reflects the success of what is ostensibly a forum for research and historiography. Visitors come to the site and view the thousands of topic threats touching on every subject imaginable. Instead of needing to post dozens of questions they are able to find most of what they're looking for and interested in just by reading.

The same person 10-12 years ago might not have had such an easy time of it. This at a time when some mystery still remained. With each passing year more books are written, articles posted, and information presented. Perhaps there is simply less to discuss nowadays as so much information - thanks in a large part to the AP - has become so readily available. This and the aforementioned rise of social media platforms becoming more popular (especially for young people) than traditional online forums.
Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right...

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #206 on: March 14, 2017, 12:14:13 AM »
Thank you. It is gratifying to be appreciated.  ;)  While the number of posts is lower than it once was, the number of users daily is still strong. About 1000 users per day come here. There are about 150 users here at any one time of the day.  There will never be a charge to access the historical information here. That has always been Bob's pledge, and will never change.  Free and unfettered access to this historical information and the accuracy and confidence of that accuracy of that information will always be our guiding goal.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 12:20:28 AM by Forum Admin »

Offline von Ebert

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #207 on: March 19, 2017, 03:18:32 PM »
I am disturbed by the tone of this post. Nobody is removed because of what they said. Over the last decade, perhaps a dozen users, out of the several thousand, were banned for their behavior. NOT their beliefs.

We are dedicated to free speech. Rules are necessary. I try to keep the rules as flexible as possible, but some rules are simply required. We can't have libelous speech for living people. We can't have abusive behavior of other users. We decided to accept the DNA findings of the IF remains (after personal conversations with those who did the DNA analysis and published the conclusions) and felt continued discussion of "survivors" was simply divisive and not appropriate.

Tania was never banned from the Forum.  I found her a lovely person and had no problem with her.

I am no "dictator" and frankly find such to be disgusting and based on supposition and not reality.  Nobody prevents free discussion here. We encourage free discussion, so long as the few rules are followed.

Myth and unsupported fantasy suppositions aren't allowed, such is not the purpose of a factual based history forum. Any other rational factual based discussion is encouraged.

Von Ebert's libelous accusations are frankly disgusting.  This website has been here for 20 years. This website is copied and catalogued by the Library of Congress as a valuable resource, of which we are most proud.

Von Ebert has been asked repeatedly to provide factual basis for assertions and has repeatedly refused to provide the answers.  The unsupported and unsubstantiated rantings of assertions are not the point of this Forum.

The fact that Von Ebert believes that founder of the website is not working with me shows how little he knows and how incorrect he is.  The founder of this website is my husband of 25 years and I have been the admin of this Forum since day one and act with his full support, authority and confidence.

Of the 3,000 or so users of the Forum, only a small handfull have left. Only a dozen or so were banned. 99% of our users are still registered, welcomed and free to participate or not as they wish. There is no "problem".

If you have "true" information, be prepared to demonstrate the TRUTH of the information with more than your belief and "say so". Have evidence and demonstrate the evidence. Von Ebert refuses to do so.

Yet, von Ebert is still here, No?

I demand an apology or if Von Ebert doesn't like this Forum, go elsewhere.

It was not our intent to criticize but provide factual information about a ancestor gene that continues to descend to a few born royals then and present day. For our our comments we were criticized that we did not know of what we spoke of .

The photos we posted were from our research and personal knowledge of such inheritance. 
a few photos of Czar Nicholas  11 his son Alexei and one daughter Anastasia showing the same inherited bloodline markers were downloaded from Alexanders Palace time machine that other members other than our self had posted.

Alexanders Palace is an important and informative site for all to see and comment on. we believe it was set up to allow those who supported the Romanov royals and others who shared  a related ancestry and bloodline.

In the case of RBD posting pictures of what we understand to be real is not for RBD benefit but like this web sight to share amongst those members who support such web page such as we do.

Presently we are working on the bloodline that produces the visible markers mentioned that some Romanov' s inherited  as did a few of within related royal lines of Czar Nicholas 11 who still show the inheritance of said mentioned markers.  Such Bloodline goes back far  as three thousand years or more.

Thank you for your comments and concerns

Frederic von Ebert

Royal Bloodline Descent

W. von Ebert

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #208 on: March 19, 2017, 08:10:03 PM »
Thank you. It is gratifying to be appreciated.  ;)  While the number of posts is lower than it once was, the number of users daily is still strong. About 1000 users per day come here. There are about 150 users here at any one time of the day.  There will never be a charge to access the historical information here. That has always been Bob's pledge, and will never change.  Free and unfettered access to this historical information and the accuracy and confidence of that accuracy of that information will always be our guiding goal.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 12:20:28 AM by Forum Admin »

Yes, this site is a gem of historical info.  I've been gone for awhile, life and other interests distracted.  Then when I tried to come back on I couldn't remember my info to log in.

The idea that it's 2017 compelled me to try again.  It worked!  I see some familiar faces here but wonder about others.  I was still here when Robert Hall passed on as I found I'd referenced that, but wonder about others.  Louis-Charles, Grandduchessella, Bear?, Tsarfan been around?

Have any regular posters from say 2005-13 passed on since then?  Well HEY to those that remember me, I was never prolific but enjoyed some great exchanges here. :) :eek:

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Re: Forum Members Not Heard From in a Long While
« Reply #209 on: March 20, 2017, 04:35:20 PM »
Grandduchessella post often in facebook in royal groups

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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