Another former active member who has not been seen around here in ages is Natalie AKA Talya AKA Nad-Natasha.
As some of you may know, she joined in the writing of Days, towards the end (of course, at the time, I had no idea it was going to end, but just bare with me). When RHB disappeared and I tried to carry on alone, Talya offered to help. In early 2012, she told me that she was working on a chapter and that said chapter would be posted at the start of April of that year. However, said chapter never materialized and, like RHB before her, Talya vanished from the forum without warning or explanation. She was here early last November (but didn't post anything) and has not been seen since.
Now, maybe circumstances beyond their control caused both of them to abruptly vanish (death, illness, family issues, that sort of thing). However, if, and I mean IF, they left here by their own choice, they could have at least given me a heads up, either via PM or making some announcement here on the board. As I have said before, neither gave any indication that they would not be coming back. If it had been me, involved in an ongoing project like Days, and, for whatever reason, I decided to leave the board, I certainly would have informed both of them, I would not have just left them dangling (unless it was, as above, circumstance beyond my control).
I recently quit another board for good. First, I made a final post, announcing my decision, then I deleted my account at said board, to make it clear I was not coming back. Neither RHB nor Talya did either action here, so their disappearances remain a mystery.