I am glad you liked them Tim here are some more:
Kodama and Oyama
Kodama: The Diet still needs to ratify the treaty
Oyama: Yes they have too. Send this message to Tokyo (Kodama pulls out a notebook and pencil seeing he is ready Oyama continues) "The fact is that after a full year of war, victoriously concluded at Mukden, the Japanese Army paused for five and a half months and dared not launch an offensive."
(Scene fades)
From A Lifelong passion"
Grand Duke Constantine Constatinovich is writing in his diary:
17 August 1905 OS
Today's papers brought news of the peace that has been agreed by representatives of Russia and Japan in Portsmouth, North America. We have conceded the southern part of Sakhalin, but refused to pay a single penny. Witte achieved a considerable diplomatic victory. Nevertheless, there is nothing joyful about this peace, crowning, as it does, such an unfortunate war for our forces. Not only does the peace bring no joy, it is rather frightening.
22 August 1905 OS
Olia (CCs sister Olga Queen of Greece) told me, that the Emperor sent Witte to America for the peace talks with the Japanese plenipotentiaries, he was so convinced that that our conditions would be unacceptable, that he did not even entertain the possibility of peace. But when the Japanese accepted our terms, there was no alternative but to conclude peace. And so the Emperor was caught out unexpectedly and has, in the words of Olia, who saw him and the Empress at Peterhof, been dropped in at the deep end.
(Scene shift to a rather downhearted Nicholas and Alexandra then scene fades)
The book "A Life long Passion" has the full letter Sandro wrote his Nichloas M after his final meeting with Nicholas and Alexandra. In it he does mention he had an argument with Alexandra. He also goes on to discuss the expropriation of landowners and equal rights for jews as mentioned in the section Nicholas study.