If my research is correct, I think this is the tennis court at Livadia. The fence and the trees are similar to the photographs I have.
If so, the gentlemen are:
Lieutenant N.N. Rodionov
Lieutenant A I Butakov
Commander N P Sablin
Pavlov, good version! Your reseach is rather good. But I can't see any of Butakov and Rodionov here;). Anyway, the name of the brave Officer Butakov deserved to be mentioned.
Just some corrections for the total clarity.
In addition to Vyrubova, I can clearly see on this photo:
- Sablin Nikolai Pavlovich (in the center), at that time (1912, I hope this is right year) Senior Lieutenant of the Guard, Fligel Adjutant and head of the Standart. Sablin became Captain of the 2nd rank only in 1914, just before or during the War, as he was appointed to Nicholas II war escort.
- Drenteln Alexander Alexandrovitch (bald man, leftmost), at that time (1912) Colonel of the Guard and Fligel Adjutant, head of the Preobrazhensky of His Majesty's Guards Regiment.
- Volkov Nikolai Alexandrovitch (rightmost), at that time (1912) Flag Captain to the Chief of the brigade battleships of the Baltic Sea squadron. Later he became Rear Admiral and Fligel Adjutant.
And these women, I think that if this photo was taken in Spala (Poland), then most likely these beautiful women are Polish baronesses or countesses. Maybe we have some experts here about Polish nobility who can answer this question.