Author Topic: Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?  (Read 65253 times)

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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« on: January 16, 2005, 07:44:18 AM »
A figure of somewhat important historical interest.

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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 03:36:57 PM »
A person of historical interest. A poor boy who suffered a lot in his short life.
And most important - a Passion-Bearer Saint of our Church!


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2005, 05:06:16 PM »
I see him as a sweet smart alixic boy, very handsome, hoping I can find someone  just  like him,...................... Poor kid to suffer of his illness, very sad. and pity of his short life.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2005, 05:25:04 PM »
omg! i meen guy's these days are not like him! >:(

Thank goodness they aren't.  Have you read *carefully* about this kid?

A great deal of rudeness, misbehavior, even  cruelty was reported by a number of witnesses.

One of the funniest things I ever read about him, though, was when he was being a total ass at table and his parents were embarrassed but did nothing.  His mother complained to Olga to do something with him, but as the witness reported, she could do nothing with him, nor really could anyone.

Maybe he improved somewhat as he grew older, but he does not strike me as the kind of boy I would want around me at *all.*  He was, by most accounts, an insufferable little ____(fill in *that* blank).


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2005, 07:40:25 PM »
The Tsarevich is a Holy Royal Martyr and the member of his family that inspires me most.   While he may have had his episodes of bad behavior when he was younger - and what little boy doesn't? - and I suspect more than his share of bad press because of his exalted position, he exhibited compassion for others even at a young age, said his prayers every day and followed through on them in imitation of the Savior, showed great patience, courage, love and even humility, and his charm and intelligence cannot be denied.  His physical beauty mirrored that of his spirit.  Bad press about his younger days cannot take the overall impression of a good boy away from me.  I love and revere St. Alexei.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Pravoslavnaya »


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2005, 08:25:02 PM »
A very small footnote in the great volumns of Russian history.



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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2005, 08:59:04 PM »
The Tsarevich is a Holy Royal Martyr and the member of his family that inspires me most.   While he may have had his episodes of bad behavior when he was younger - and what little boy doesn't? - and I suspect more than his share of bad press because of his exalted position, he exhibited compassion for others even at a young age, said his prayers every day and followed through on them in imitation of the Savior, showed great patience, courage, love and even humility, and his charm and intelligence cannot be denied.  His physical beauty mirrored that of his spirit.  Bad press about his younger days cannot take the overall impression of a good boy away from me.  I love and revere St. Alexei.

He was known to greet people by delivering to them a bloody nose. He thought this was funny. These are not things normal little boys, no matter how rambunctious, do.  I raised one myself, more than a handful, but cruelty just because you know you can get away with it, is plain SICK.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2005, 09:00:37 PM »
I just finished reading the diary of Anastasia, and ya when Alexei was younger he was just a little tiny bit rude, but a very enthusiastic and well behaved child who had to suffer greatly because of his Hemophilea and got hurt ALOT as a child!

but whats realy gonna haunt me from this book is that near the end when Alexei was 13, and the family was in Tobolsk  OTMA and Alexei maid a snow mountain and it was destroyed by the soldiers, so Alexei desided to sled down the stsaires of their house!

So he did and injured himself VERY seriously! he said he whanted to die, cause he coulden bare the pain! due to that accident Alexei wasent able to walk! maybe even if he survived he woulden't have the ability to walk!

it made me cry!

what is this "Diary of Anastasia" you refer to?  Are you talking about the *fictional* and extremely inaccurate "Royal Diaries" series?  


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2005, 09:18:45 PM »
Alexei, to me, is an almost too normal of a character. I'm really not all that fascinated in him, but I can restrain myself from demeaning others who may be. ;) From what I've read he was not a particularly rude or kind boy, naturally. Sure, he could be a brat, but when you take into account the way he was treated I'm actually surprised he wasn't alot worse. Still, he did say some wonderful things and I doubt that we could find many kids today that have that ability. It's too tragic that he was butchered, but perhaps it was better that way. After all, I doubt that we would be able to recall him fondly if he had lived. JMO.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2005, 09:38:45 PM »
o and Dashkova i've also read the Royal diaries series of Anastasia, and compared to her real diary its actualy very true!

oKAAAY....well, good for you, then. Keep thinking those happy thoughts.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2005, 09:41:40 PM »
Alexei, to me, is an almost too normal of a character. I'm really not all that fascinated in him, but I can restrain myself from demeaning others who may be. ;) From what I've read he was not a particularly rude or kind boy, naturally. Sure, he could be a brat, but when you take into account the way he was treated I'm actually surprised he wasn't alot worse. Still, he did say some wonderful things and I doubt that we could find many kids today that have that ability. It's too tragic that he was butchered, but perhaps it was better that way. After all, I doubt that we would be able to recall him fondly if he had lived. JMO.

Bringing up certain *facts* about Alexei's character is NOT in any way demeaning those engaged in Alexei worship.  It is an attempt to temper the worship by pointing to reality.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2005, 09:44:19 PM »
Alexei seems like he was a regular boy, minus the not-so-regular station in life and not-so-regular state of health. He was not the most outstanding member of the IF (other than the fact that he was the heir to the throne), but then again, none of them were extremely outstanding, just a regular family who happened by accident of birth to be rulers of Russia.   :)


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2005, 09:49:00 PM »
hmmmmm...i can see that you've never read any of them Dashkova!

why don't you go and find both of those books and read em, and maybe you'll learn that they're pritty much the same thing! But her real Diary is just more detailed!

Well, how wonderful for you!  What other literary gems will you share with us!  You must have been really busy reading all these "diaries" filled with indisputable facts, but you've certainly neglected your English language studies!

There are a great many people here who have read a great deal more than you have, so you ought to be careful who you accuse of being uninformed.  Corners are not comfortable places.


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2005, 09:52:59 PM »
Alexei seems like he was a regular boy, minus the not-so-regular station in life and not-so-regular state of health. He was not the most outstanding member of the IF (other than the fact that he was the heir to the throne), but then again, none of them were extremely outstanding, just a regular family who happened by accident of birth to be rulers of Russia.   :)

I can certainly find sympathy for Alexei...well, sort of.  But I cannot get over how happily the rest of you just say, oh well, boys will be boys and he's just so normal and "regular"...have none of you read the many examples of witnesses who reported his "regular" behavior to be something a little beyond dreadful?  You like those bloody noses?  Is that a nice little boy? Are you suggesting he should be excused for such behavior?

True, true, true, his parents are the ones to blame, no question.  But all these posts waxing poetic about what a sweet little angel he was and how they don't make boys like that anymore...jeez louise...lala fluff ball clouds once again!


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Re: What and Who is Alexei to you?
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2005, 10:15:01 PM »
Well, for all it's worth, for each "bloody nose" story there is another that makes him sound like an extremely kind and well behaved boy, practically an angel on earth. The way I see it, we should take an average of both views and what we get is a regular kid...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by helenazar »