...The palace was burned out during the Revolution and War of Liberty (against the Habsburgs - King/Emperor Ferdinand V/I, then Franz Joseph I) in 1848-49.
The interiors were reconstructed in the 1850s.
At the end of the century, new wings (and a new dome) were added by architects Miklós Ybl and Alajos Hauszmann. See two plans from c. 1857 and 1912. I marked the main rooms as well.
The palace was seriously damaged in the WW2. After the war, because of different (art historical, political etc.) reasons the remains of the interiors were replaced with modern ones, the facades and the roofs were rebuilt with simplified forms... Now it houses different institutions. In the 1950s, ruins of the medieval palace were excavated under the (neo)baroque palace. Some of them were reconstucted and also the royal gardens received a medieval form.

1 - guards' office (destroyed in the early 1970s)
2 - equerry - demolished in the 1950s
3 - riding-school - demolished in the 1950s
4 - hungarian pavilion of Empress Elisabeth - demolished in the 1950s
5 - entrance to the royal gardens - almost in ruins...