Oh I didn't mean that I myself necessary believed it. It's just an interesting thought. I suppose if I was time warped and had no chance of returning there any number of things I would try to change.
Problem with my messing with the butterfly effect is that you don't know A) how history will turn out because of it, and B) how it will effect you. Lets say you and I stopped WWI Tim, and maybe WW2 because of it. Who is to say that the first global war would end up being our WW3 nightmare. Nuclear weapons conflict with a billion or more dead and economies crushed. That would have been even worse than WWI and WW2 combined, bad as they were.
I like science and math and how they relate to our world. The concepts involved in chaos theory and fractal geometry. Still I'm comforted by the thought, perhaps I ought to call it the "possibility", that things do truly happen for a reason. There were countless chain links involved that allowed for the death of Franz Ferdinand and the subsequent start of WWI, but there are just as many to allow you or I to take a sip of coffee this morning. There is a fixation on what could have been done that day, and hopefully I've simplified it with my example of how a simple warning could have altered the outcome.
But what of the incredible coincidence that Princip just happened to be on the street, and the car was reversing? What of the fact that the previous bombing was the specific reason why the aide to the Governor was in the hospital instead of available to tell the driver that the route had changed. Or that Princip was even available that day. Or that he even survived childhood when six of his nine siblings died, or that he was born into an embittered peasant family, or that he was born into the Austrian empire, or that he was born in the first place...or his parents, or human beings, or life on earth, or the earth itself.
We are all miracles. Everything the happens needed a gagillion things to line up perfectly for it to happen. Be it mundane or extraordinary. So my question of course is how much, if any, of our destinies are random chance, luck and circumstance as opposed to destiny and fate?