I have news that may please the French contributors forum. My novel about the Imperial Family of Russia is now available on Amazon in ebook and in paperback format. It's called Partir, c’est mourir un peu (auto-édition, 2019, 775 p.). The title is the title of a poem quoted by the empress in one of his letters.
It is a novel, since the hero is fictional and there are elements of fiction in the narration, but it is above all a romanticized synthesis of all the testimonies and memories about Tsar Nicholas II and his family. I tried to combine in one book the writings of Pierre Gilliard, Anna Viroubova, Sofia Buxhoeveden, Alexander Spiridovich, et cetera.
It is a book about the Romanov family and about the last years of imperial Russia.
I added about fifty photographs (free of rights) to illustrate the text.
My book participates in the contest "Les Plumes francophones" organized by amazon.fr, and will only be available on amazon for three months.
The paper book will also be available in pocket edition (2 volumes) in a few days.
I take this opportunity to thank all the contributors of this site that I discovered in 2007 and that I very long followed as a "guest".
The imperial family has been with me for almost fifteen years, as a daily support, and I am very happy to publish this book as a tribute to her. They are all seven very important to me and I hope this book would have pleased them.
I post the summary in French (it appears on the back cover):
« 1910, Igor Kleinenberg, jeune professeur d’allemand d’origine estonienne, devient précepteur à la Cour impériale de Russie. Côtoyant au plus près le pouvoir jusqu’à sa chute, il assiste aux aléas du pays, aux manigances de l’aristocratie pétersbourgeoise, au cheminement inévitable vers la révolution nationale en pleine conflagration mondiale. Témoin des traîtrises et du mépris envers l’empereur Nicolas II et sa famille, il l’est aussi du courage et de la détermination d’hommes et de femmes qui dans les plus grandes épreuves ne les abandonneront pas.
De Saint-Pétersbourg aux poussiéreuses villes d’Extrême-Orient, du soleil de Crimée aux neiges de Sibérie, Igor Kleinenberg raconte presque une décennie de la Russie dans ce qu’elle eut de tumultueux, de tragique et d’éminemment fascinant.
Dans ces mémoires fictifs foisonnants, construits à partir de témoignages du temps, s’entremêlent le portrait intime et vrai de la dernière famille régnante de Russie et l’histoire troublée d’un pays au tournant de son destin. »
Alexandre Page
To the ebook:
https://www.amazon.com/Partir-cest-mourir-peu-French-ebook/dp/B07V1FDCF9/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=%22partir%2C+c%27est+mourir+un+peu%22&qid=1562688625&s=gateway&sr=8-1To the paperback: