Thank you so much, Tatiana Z! These are wonderful, especially the one with Olga and (I'm guessing) Tatiana - it's a casual moment, yet there's something so beautiful about the composition. I've previously seen a low quality closeup of the one of Tatiana standing by herself, but this full photo, with the view of the landscape, is just lovely.
I am having hard time to find the name of the exact location, I think that those were taken at one of the Romanov Grand Duke's estate in Crimea in autumn of 1912, but can't remember the name, Sarushka once posted some of Olga and Tatiana taken at same day, if I remember well. Feel free to correct me.
I thought there was something familiar about the way the girls were dressed, and your post helped me locate the photo I had in mind. This file was named Olga and Tatiana at Ai-Todor in 1912.