Author Topic: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.  (Read 94282 times)

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2013, 02:39:39 PM »
and a private delegation visited Ilyinsky while he served on Palm Beach City Council to ask him to return to Russia to claim the throne as tsar.
OK, it may have been Solzhenitsyn et al., but "a private delegation" might of course just as well mean a few Russian equivalents of the self-appointed "custodians of the throne" mocked in this and surrounding threads.

Still it's impossible to beat the 20th century in terms of popular culture and shifting attitudes. From the birth of film industry, to jazz and rock and roll. Radio, television, computers and internet. From automobiles and spaceships. From Kitty Hawk to the Moon and everything in between!
But it's interesting to consider that most of our pop culture gadgets are just developments of stuff that already was in place at the beginning at the 20th century. It's really not a revolution, just an evolution.

The moon landing was of course extremely important, from a scientific point of view (and intellectually, for those few who grasped its real significance  and not just experienced it as more sci-fi entertainment), but ironically I think most people in the developed world already had "forgotten" the moon by the 1960s, as electric light had made them relatively  independent of the forces of darkness and light (including moonlight) which ruled the Old World in a far greater measure than all the kings and emperors combined. Most of Nicholas II's subjects rose with the sun and went to bed with the sun.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2013, 03:02:18 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2013, 02:56:10 PM »
I met Paul Ilinsky in Palm Beach, Florida. He was the Mayor there and he used to say that he was "The Tsar of Palm Beach" He was the perfect gentleman and looked very much like his father, probably taller. He liked to be called Pauly.

Amelia (Eva McDonald)

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2013, 05:50:04 PM »

Still it's impossible to beat the 20th century in terms of popular culture and shifting attitudes. From the birth of film industry, to jazz and rock and roll. Radio, television, computers and internet. From automobiles and spaceships. From Kitty Hawk to the Moon and everything in between!
But it's interesting to consider that most of our pop culture gadgets are just developments of stuff that already was in place at the beginning at the 20th century. It's really not a revolution, just an evolution.

The moon landing was of course extremely important, from a scientific point of view (and intellectually, for those few who grasped its real significance  and not just experienced it as more sci-fi entertainment), but ironically I think most people in the developed world already had "forgotten" the moon by the 1960s, as electric light had made them relatively  independent of the forces of darkness and light (including moonlight) which ruled the Old World in a far greater measure than all the kings and emperors combined. Most of Nicholas II's subjects rose with the sun and went to bed with the sun.

To some extent I agree with your first comment. I think we have hit a bit of wall in terms of gadget technology (perhaps technological advances in general) to where we are more about refining the products we have rather creating anything brand new.

But while I'm not certain what you refer to as "pop culture gadgets", certainly the idea of television, computer, internet and rocket ships were little more than science fiction in 1920. The internet came out of nowhere as well. In the early-90s it first became known to the masses. By 1995 there 16-million members, and now there are over 2.7-billion. Rock and roll too was something of an entertainment and cultural revolution. Sure it had its roots in blues, rockabilly, and country & western, but no one as late as the very early-1950s could have imagined how this new form of music would have shook the world over the next few years.

Also I agree the moon itself probably lost its luster over the decades as technology meant we no longer had to depend on it, and scientists revealed it a lifeless desert without mystery. But it's a still regarded as a check point for exploration in human history. Mankind has proven that we are, at heart, all explorers. It's the natural outcome of curiosity and having the means for travel. We didn't "discover" the moon in 1969 they way Columbus did the new world in 1492, but in terms of "what's next" it was equally important.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2013, 05:12:00 PM »
Of course, the question is where do we go next.  Mars, I suppose.

Anyway, to get this thread somewhat back on topic, I have to wonder why these people keep it up. DNA has proven that they all died on July 17th, 1918.  None of them survived and had children, so therefore, there can be NO descendants of NAOTMAA alive today.

The idea that my cat, Tatiana, is the reincarnation of the Grand Duchess has better credibility than someone going around saying they're Tatiana's grandchild.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2013, 07:34:23 AM »
Your Tatiana is adorable.   

I think it is sad I mean I have seen a guy who frequents Romanov fan pages to go on about his grandmother being Olga N and showing comparison photos of Olga N's "daughter" and "grandson" it is kind of sad really.   He also has articles of his grandmother in Spanish saying she is Olga N. 

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2013, 05:08:22 PM »
Your Tatiana is adorable.

Thanks, Chantelle.

I think it is sad I mean I have seen a guy who frequents Romanov fan pages to go on about his grandmother being Olga N and showing comparison photos of Olga N's "daughter" and "grandson" it is kind of sad really.   He also has articles of his grandmother in Spanish saying she is Olga N.

Clearly this poor chap is not in touch with reality.  I wonder if he also thinks he's Elvis's love child.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #36 on: October 24, 2013, 08:59:40 AM »
Clearly this poor chap is not in touch with reality.  I wonder if he also thinks he's Elvis's love child.

Oh, but you know there are such interesting and CLOSE links between Elvis and the Romanovs:
Elvis met his wife Priscilla in (Bad Nauheim) in the Romanovs' second homeland, the former Grand Duchy of Hesse and Priscilla's grandfather was from the same Norwegian province as, Cornelius Cruys, Peter the Great's trusted admiral and best man at his wedding to Katarina I! That can't be coïncidence, can it!?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 09:02:16 AM by Превед »
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
Горячку сердца холодит.

(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2013, 02:07:34 AM »
Maybe they were all abducted by the same aliens.

Shhhhhh, Cancerman might be listening!
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2013, 02:25:13 PM »
Someone mentioned a whule ago the stupid, sad and pathetic story of the lost and hidden "daughter" of Princess Elisabeta of Romania and Grand duke Dmitri Pavlovich. Well, here s the supposed daughter , supported for a well know ex member of this forum

He couldnt convince anyone about the lost son of Gd Mikhail Alexandrovich, so he made out another story. Thats sad

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #39 on: October 30, 2013, 04:13:52 AM »
You just wish you could say to him:  "Dude, give it up.  No one here is buying what you're selling.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2013, 09:57:06 AM »
We told him over here but he never got the memo and he had to be banned from here because it was getting very annoying.

Courtesy of Grand Duchess Ally

"...Пусть он землю бережет родную, А любовь Катюша сбережет....". Grand Duchess Ekaterina Fyodorovna to Grand Duke Georgiy Alexandrovich. 1914

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2013, 10:57:09 AM »
Some people just can't face reality, it seems.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2013, 06:08:28 PM »
Just posted it in the Windsor sub forum.  The claimant I mentioned early who thinks he is the son of Princess Margaret has won the rights to look at her last will and testament.     I can not fathom how this guy can do this,  I mean DNA testing?    If they could DNA test Philip for Anna Anderson,  I am sure they can DNA test either the Queen for this Robert Brown.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 06:10:04 PM by rosieposie »

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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2016, 12:35:22 PM »
I remember reading on another website that a man was claiming to be the grandson of Olga and that AOTMAA survived and fled the shooting. He had mass followers and he was talking about trying to claim the Russian throne and being allowed permission to go into the Russian Archives. I don't think the people who believed him were serious or not, but to test if they just believed everything on that website, I made a claim that my grandmother was Grand Duchess Tatiana. Of course, they believed me and so did he! He went on for days about my evidence being accurate and even calling me 'cousin'! Just goes to prove that people believe everything they hear. I haven't been back on it for a while and don't remember the website so I can't go back. Oops. But I am NOT claiming to be a Romanov, just so you know, just telling you about the story and how I was able to prove he was a liar, and this was before the remains were found in 2007.
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Re: Claimants on YOUTUBE and other sites.
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2016, 01:07:04 PM »

No, I don't think the Queen will agree to DNA testing in relation to Robert Brown's claims (incidentally, Mr Brown seems to have gone quiet since his successful court case over Princess Margaret's will).

The IF were long dead, and using the Duke of Edinburgh's DNA to put that beyond doubt (except to head cases) was essentially of historical importance. By contrast, Mr Brown is still alive and clearly a head case. The Queen's own views can perhaps be ascertained from her declining to agree to DNA testing of the supposed bones of the 'Princes in the Tower' in Westminster Abbey.
