Author Topic: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport  (Read 58929 times)

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2014, 04:09:03 PM »
"Four Sisters" was voted the best history/biography book of 2014 on Goodreads

That honor is so well deserved. And that's a pretty broad category. Two thumbs up!

Great to hear! Certainly it sounds worthy of the praise it has received...though I must admit not having had the chance to read my copy of it yet.

Hey, get on the stick, edubs! Only kidding, of course, but you will enjoy it.

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2015, 03:50:48 PM »
In this book one of the sources in a British Naval Officer Harold Tennyson who is mentioned being killed on the destroyer HMS Viking. On there is a book "The Dover Patrol" by Reginal Bacon in Volume 2 Page 360 there is an account of the incident where he was killed when his ship hit a mine laid by a unidentified U-boat. There is also a picture of this ship in drydock showing the damage.

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #62 on: October 06, 2015, 04:13:54 PM »
From Paul Kulikovsky’s “Romanov News”, No. 90, September 2015

"Diaries of Princesses Romanov" will be published in Russia
The publishing house "Eksmo" plans to release on October 9 for sale the book by Helen Rappaport called "Four Sisters" in UK and "The Romanov Sisters" in US - and now in Russian it is called "Diaries of Princesses Romanov."
As the Publishing house says - "This unique biographical work returns to the modern reader, the image of the real Romanov sisters, daughters of Nicholas II and Alexandra.
The book is based on records from the personal diaries of Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Romanov. On the pages there are portraits of smart, sensitive and responsive to the reality young women, who perceived and experienced the fate of Russia at the turn of the eras.
Extensive materials from the archives were previously inaccessible to the wider Russian public - the official (including the archives of the various Royal houses of Europe ) and private (including of special value are the memories of those who knew the sisters of the Romanovs) - and pictures, that let you recreate the circumstances of their life and occupations, their hobbies and passions.
The masterfully told story perfectly captures the spirit of the time, allowing the reader feel the living breath of history. This book is able to surprise even those who consider themselves an expert on the issue. New York Times bestseller for 12 weeks. The book received the most favorable reviews of the largest British and American editions.

Kudos to Helen!
Quite the feather in her cap -- to have her book go full circle and "return" to Russia, in Russian!
инок Николай

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #63 on: December 28, 2015, 09:11:25 AM »
I started rereading Four Sisters and stumbled upon two small errors in succession in the text:

pg. 5: "a stencilled frieze of pink roses and bronze butterflies above pink coloured wallpaper had been chosen by the younger sisters Maria and Anastasia."

Maria and Anastasia's bedroom walls were grey and from what I understand, the girls' rooms were painted, not wallpapered. I'm not trying to be nitpick, but I find it a tad surprising that the author would include such elementary mistakes in her book....

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2015, 09:55:31 AM »
Another small error:

Pg. 68: "Alexandra looked magnificent, if rather uncomfortable, ornately dressed as the Tsaritsa Maria Miloslavskaya in a heavy gold brocade costume and unwieldy crown."

Alexandra dressed as Maria Ilyinichna for the 1903 ball.

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2015, 11:41:43 AM »
Not a mistake.

Maria Ilynichina Miloslavskaya

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #66 on: December 30, 2015, 01:03:50 PM »
Not a mistake.

Maria Ilynichina Miloslavskaya

Ack! You are right. I stand corrected!

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #67 on: November 21, 2016, 05:18:41 PM »
Let's revive this thread.

Four days ago, I accidentally ran across one book-store in the city where I studied, and noticed this magnificent book in my native language's edition! I bought it immediately. I have already read more than a half of the book up to now. [The WW1 has just begun in the book.]

Being someone who is more interested in Tsarevich's life, I decided to explore more on OTMA. The book is great, I am amazed by amount of details [given chronologically] such as:

- OTMA was given physics classes!
- I learned the names of OT's horses they rode during 1913 regiment ceremonies.
- There is complete list of OTMA's clothes, its designers and its costs.
- During 1914 to Romania, OTMA allegedly got their faces sunburned intentionally so they 'didn't impress' the Romanian Royal Family.
- I saw list of OTMA's tutors for all the subjects - including geography, for example.
- I finally learned who was OTMA's favorite officers on the Standart -A.K.Shvedov, Rodionov, Voronov,....
- I am surprised how Tsarina was ill for a long time every year so she didn't attend several ceremonies. Or even if she did, she stayed briefly. [Understandably]. She also gave the degrees to her heartache, 1-3. '1' is considered to be less pain and '3' the hardest pain.
- I noticed that the author tells Olga's story for most. [I would like to know more about Tatiana and Maria as well]. 
- I am amazed by depictions of the events that occurred, so I can now say more about NAOTMAA's photos - their dates, especially during official visits in 1908, 1909 and 1910.
- I also noticed that ST. Petersburg is referred as 'Petrograd' in the events before 1914, [when the name of the capital actually changed], but it is not an error. 
- I learned many interesting facts and anecdotes [about OTMA] and learned about many people who were the IF's friends and acquaintances whom I have never heard before - such as different diplomats, noblemen....
- I finally got more info. on Alexandra's 1902 'miscarriage', even learned the names of the complete doctors that served the IF. Impressive.
- Generally, I learned more about 1895 - 1914 years of NII-reign, especially from the 1906-1911 period which events I barely know.
Also, I am more keen on NAOTMAA lives from 1914 to 1918, so I can't wait what is to come. I think that the post will be continued. Impressive work, Helen, I appreciate your work and efforts and I highly recommend this book for OTMA[A]'s fans.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 05:24:49 PM by nena »
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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #68 on: February 10, 2019, 06:25:30 PM »
on youtube I found: "Helen Rappenport The Romanov Sisters Part 1 Audio Book" by Okun Samapann

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Re: Four Sisters by Helen Rappaport
« Reply #69 on: March 03, 2019, 06:38:22 AM »
Good find James, thank you for sharing! I’m listening to it now. Bought the book 2+ years ago but only ever got through a few chapters.
Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right...