Thank you.
You make some good points (you always do!).
Obviously the family will insist that Dr Botkin and the servants must escape with them. As a former Colonel, Trupp will be accustomed to riding, and probably Botkin too, but what about Kharitanov and Anna Demidova? There is also Leonid Sednev. Nicholas and Alexandra will certainly want Botkin with them, because of Alexei, but perhaps they can be persuaded to allow the others to go off with a couple of other loyal officers, and lie up in the city. After all, none of them is very recognisable, and only Trupp (military bearing) is likely to stand out in a crowd (the ideal place to hide him will be at the staff college, of course - fortunately one of the escape plotters is the same size and can lend him a uniform which fits).
I wonder whether being on a horse, even a quiet one, is going to set off another bleeding attack for Alexei. Otherwise, the major practical point, once everyone is clear of the house is that the family are going to have to split up. Nicholas and Alexandra will insist that Alexei and Botkin must stay with them, but maybe the girls can be persuaded to split into two pairs and each pair can go off with one or two officers.