Gatchina Palace and
Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovitch found their new owners. Thank you!
Also I thought it would be easier for everyone to find a list of what is still available
1. Empress Maria Fedorovna
Publish date 2006
ISBN 5-88810-071-4
Cover Type: softcover
Weight:600 g
Pages: 143
Language: Russian.
Condition: fine
Serie “Romanov Dinasty” from publishing house ABRIS (the Peterhof State Museum). Rare photos, colour images
2. The wifes of the sons of Emperor Pavel I (Sud’bi zakon pechalniy). By Albina Danilova
Publish date 2007
ISBN 5-699-18456-1
Cover Type: hardcover
Pages: 478
Language: Russian.
Condition: fine
Very good and informative research on the families of the sons of Emperor Pavel, focusing on the fates of his daughters-in-law: Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna (nee Prss of Baden), GDss Anna Fedorovna (nee Prss of Saxe-Coburg), Princess Ioanna Lovitch (nee Grudzinskaya) amd Empress Alexandra Fedorovna (nee Prss of Prussia). The most interesting parts on lesser knowns Princesses – Anna Fedorovna and Ioanna Lovitch. A lot of text, b/w illustrations.
3. Five Princesses. Daughters of Emperor Pavel I. By Albina Danilova
Publish date 2001 (2nd edition with additions)
ISBN 5-87113-107-7
Cover Type: hardcover
Pages: 461
Language: Russian.
Condition: fine
Excellent and informative research on daughters of Emperor Pavel. Alexandra, Elena, Maria, Ekaterina and Anna. A lot of interesting text and detailed research. B/w illustrations.
4. Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna. The only romantic affair of the Empress. By D.Izmail-Zade
Publish date 2001
ISBN 5-224-02009-3
Cover Type: hardcover
Pages: 442
Language: Russian.
Condition: fine
Excellent research on the ill-fated wife of Emperor Alexander I. A lot of previously unkhown info on her affair with A. Okhotnikov and other interesting details of her life. Also a chapet in the end of the book on GD Nicholas Mikhailovitch, who wrote a bio on her in the beginning of 20 century. Richly illustrated by b/w and colour images. Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevitch Romanov.. by W.Motzardo
Publish date 2004
ISBN 5-94650-033-3
Cover Type: softcover
Weight:1700 g
Pages: 400
Language: Russian.
Condition: fine
Rare and very unique photo-album on GD Konstantin Nikolayevitch and his family. It’s also a very good bio on him with a lot of archival information. Superb colour illustrations and b/w photos. Rare find coffee-table edition.
6. Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevitch and the Konstantinovichi family
Publish date 2009
ISBN 978-5-93898-225-3
Cover Type: hardcover
Weight:1.2 kg
Pages: 608
Language: Russian.
Condition: Fine.
Very good and informative research on the vast and interesting Konstantinovichi branch of the Romanov Family. Begin from GD Konstantin,brother of Alexander II, and finish with the descendants of GD Konstantin K. (K.R.), including female members of the clan. A lot of text and 300 b/w and about 100 colour photos/illustrations. Selected poems of KR and his son Oleg. Diary and correspondence of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovitch.1919-1918 years
Publish date 2013
ISBN 978-5-91631-164-8
Cover Type: hardcover
Weight: 1 kg
Pages: 800
Language: Russian.
Condition: Fine.
Recent edition of correspondence and diaries of GD Mikhail Alexandrovitch, brother of the last Tzar and himself de-juree last Tzar of Russia. Letters to his morganatic wife, to his friends,diaries. Good source on GD’s life in the difficult WW I years.
8. Emperors in Finland (Imperatori na otdihe v Finlandii) (translation from Finnish)
Publish date 2003
ISBN 5-901841-15-8
Cover Type: Hardcover
Weight:655 g.
Pages: 288
Language: Russian
Condition: fine,
Illustrated by rare photos of various Romanovs on their vacation in Finland (from Alexander II to Nicholas II).
Possibly someone will be interested in some English/Spanish/Portugal books,on various Royals (non-Romanov):
The Royal Family of Romania. By HIH Prince Radu of Romania.
The Royal House of Savoy. Story of an Italian Family (catalogue of an exhibition)
Developing the Picture. Queen Alexandra and the Art of Photography
Los Borbones. By Ricardo Mateos
Familia Real. Album de fotografias. by Eduardo Nobre (Rare photoalbum on the Royal Portugal Family)
Los Borbones. By Ricardo Mateos.
Thanks to everyone for reading this topic!