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high birth colonel who served Russo-Japanese War


Does anyone know of a colonel of "very high birth" who was associated with Vladivostok around 1905, likely serving in the Russo-Japanese War? Mrs. Eleanor Pray references such a man several times in her letters from Vladivostok, according to the editor of the letters ("Letters from Vladivostok 1894-1930" edited by Birgitta Ingemanson) The colonel seems to have had a position in the military staff. This man could have been Col. Aleksandr D. Nechvolodov who is referenced in the letters but I don't know Nechvolodov's background.

Thanks for any help.


Col. Aleksandr Dmitrovich Nechvolodov was not of very high birth. His father was merely a major-general and an untitled nobleman of the Yekaterinoslav Governate. The family does not seem to have been old nobility. There is a place called Nechvolodovka in neighbouring Kharkiv Oblast in modern day Ukraina, perhaps it was their estate?

Have you tried Nikolai Sergeyevich Plaoutine (or Plautin)? He was of high birth (his father was A.D.C. to the Tsar) and served as a "Colonel in the Hussars. He commanded a brigade of Kuban Cossacks from 1904-1907, and I know that he did serve in the Russo-Japanese War. He is listed in some sources as a Major General (promoted in 1914). He died in 1918 in Poland.

--- Quote from: tzolper on February 15, 2014, 11:36:43 AM ---Does anyone know of a colonel of "very high birth" who was associated with Vladivostok around 1905, likely serving in the Russo-Japanese War? Mrs. Eleanor Pray references such a man several times in her letters from Vladivostok, according to the editor of the letters ("Letters from Vladivostok 1894-1930" edited by Birgitta Ingemanson) The colonel seems to have had a position in the military staff. This man could have been Col. Aleksandr D. Nechvolodov who is referenced in the letters but I don't know Nechvolodov's background.

Thanks for any help.


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