Ok, I'm interested in finding out which members of the IF (and their extended family) may have had non-hetero "relationships" (i.e. affairs) and what their contemporaries thought about it. (I'm trying to phrase this in such a way so as not to offend anyone.) Felix was done on another thread, but what about KR, Serge, Ernie, the Kaiser, Dmitri, George, George of Greece, Peter of Oldenburg? (Did I leave anybody out?) And what about the women? Ella? If I was a princess who preferred women and knew I'd have to marry, I might pick someone like Serge...
I'd love to hear about any extant contemporary correspondence on the topic. I've read KR's diary entires in Passion so there was definitely some kind of nascent subculture going on in St. Petersburg then. As a gay man, I'd like to find out more about it.